Last Poster #7

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I looked out of my front door today, and around my walk I saw weeds.......Those weeds offended my family and they have offended the Shaolin I ventured outside....and killed them.....ripped them out by the roots....then my left leg got tired and the right knee (surgery knee) started to after the heated battle with the weeds....I went back inside and iced my knee..... many weeds were vanquished today
On Sunday there was a protest outside the county building near my house. There were a couple weird things about it.
  1. It was a Sunday. No one was in the building.
  2. It wasn't the county's main building-that one's 3 miles down the road. I know since I worked there, right next to the county commissioner's office.
  3. I think it was an anti-BLM protest, based on the chants, but not a blue lives matter protest; I didn't see a single Blue Line or sign anywhere.
  4. It was also a protest about how trump won and biden lost.
  5. I saw one sign suggesting Hillary be in jail, and another that she shouldn't be elected.
  6. People were bbq'ing.
  7. Again, it was sunday.
I've got nothing against protests, or freedom of speech-people should feel empowered to advocate for/against whatever cause they choose. But this one was just weird; I don't know who they were trying to reach here, or what their focal message was.
On Sunday there was a protest outside the county building near my house. There were a couple weird things about it.
  1. It was a Sunday. No one was in the building.
  2. It wasn't the county's main building-that one's 3 miles down the road. I know since I worked there, right next to the county commissioner's office.
  3. I think it was an anti-BLM protest, based on the chants, but not a blue lives matter protest; I didn't see a single Blue Line or sign anywhere.
  4. It was also a protest about how trump won and biden lost.
  5. I saw one sign suggesting Hillary be in jail, and another that she shouldn't be elected.
  6. People were bbq'ing.
  7. Again, it was sunday.
I've got nothing against protests, or freedom of speech-people should feel empowered to advocate for/against whatever cause they choose. But this one was just weird; I don't know who they were trying to reach here, or what their focal message was.

To protest at the NYS capital, you first have to get a permit from the city. If you do not you could be arrested.
So you schedule your protest with the city, the city tells the state. the folks in those buildings you would like to hear the protest don't show up that day..

I use to work across the street, on the 8th floor and there was a protest, and I swear the chant I was hearing on the 8th flor was....What do we want...Ham sandwiched, when to we want
Protest seemed to stop, I went for a walk, and all the protestors were suiting on the walls around the capital area....eating sandwiches.....I doubt that is what the protest was for, but it sure sounded like it and looked like it later
On Sunday there was a protest outside the county building near my house. There were a couple weird things about it.
  1. It was a Sunday. No one was in the building.
  2. It wasn't the county's main building-that one's 3 miles down the road. I know since I worked there, right next to the county commissioner's office.
  3. I think it was an anti-BLM protest, based on the chants, but not a blue lives matter protest; I didn't see a single Blue Line or sign anywhere.
  4. It was also a protest about how trump won and biden lost.
  5. I saw one sign suggesting Hillary be in jail, and another that she shouldn't be elected.
  6. People were bbq'ing.
  7. Again, it was sunday.
I've got nothing against protests, or freedom of speech-people should feel empowered to advocate for/against whatever cause they choose. But this one was just weird; I don't know who they were trying to reach here, or what their focal message was.
Then again
the folks with that agenda are not known to be very bright
Or at all
Ok, they are rather dim.....
On Sunday there was a protest outside the county building near my house. There were a couple weird things about it.
  1. It was a Sunday. No one was in the building.
  2. It wasn't the county's main building-that one's 3 miles down the road. I know since I worked there, right next to the county commissioner's office.
  3. I think it was an anti-BLM protest, based on the chants, but not a blue lives matter protest; I didn't see a single Blue Line or sign anywhere.
  4. It was also a protest about how trump won and biden lost.
  5. I saw one sign suggesting Hillary be in jail, and another that she shouldn't be elected.
  6. People were bbq'ing.
  7. Again, it was sunday.
I've got nothing against protests, or freedom of speech-people should feel empowered to advocate for/against whatever cause they choose. But this one was just weird; I don't know who they were trying to reach here, or what their focal message was.
"Whadda we want???"

"Err.. to.. er PROTEST!"

"When do we want it???"


Feels like they just wanted to protest something. And be a part of something.
Ah yeah, a couple of months ago, I'm part of the Sunday Morning Keiko community (a martial arts community with more an emphasis in bringing back the spiritual ideals of MA and using it as a way of connecting with ourselves and life as a whole, and supporting each other in it, best way to describe haha), training together online too which has just been such a blessing, and we recently did a commemorative zine, as a way to remember 2020, the good and bad haha.

But here was my contribution, and I'm currently doing up my next one for the second zine :)
I'm beginning to question the need for physical therapy, (sorry @Buka :D.) I do all the exercises on my own, all they do is hurt me by pushing the joint beyond where it wants to go, and that hurts a lot. And afterwards I am more stiff than when I walked in and I see no gains in flexibility at all. I started looking at this form the years of martial arts and stretching's and I do believe in one day of approaching this from that direction I have gained more than in 2 weeks of PT and literal torture.

Have not made tremendous gains, but I gained a little , which is more than can be said for what I have gained after a few weeks of PT. Last appointment they took my crutch, I could not walk, they wanted to make me walk. I finally had to tell them, give me the crutch or I taking it and leaving. Walking without it was killing the other bad knee, and I can't afford to have that go right now. Started a MA approach stretching yesterday (with PT exercises), instead of going to PT.....Could not walk without crutches yesterday...I'm on a cane today. Still need a crutch for up and down stairs, but at least there has been some movement towards recovery.

Have an MD appointment today and another PT tomorrow. If the MD asks I will discuss PT, but tomorrow I feel a long discussion coming on with the PT person.
Ah yeah, a couple of months ago, I'm part of the Sunday Morning Keiko community (a martial arts community with more an emphasis in bringing back the spiritual ideals of MA and using it as a way of connecting with ourselves and life as a whole, and supporting each other in it, best way to describe haha), training together online too which has just been such a blessing, and we recently did a commemorative zine, as a way to remember 2020, the good and bad haha.

But here was my contribution, and I'm currently doing up my next one for the second zine :)View attachment 26944

If you are also looking for mushin, I also would recommend CMA standing postures like standing post and wuji.
No thought, no attempt to move any Qi, just stand and breath and after a few sessions and some time standing you start to notice all sorts of internal connections. I was at about 18 minutes when I started to notice connections. Much like seated meditation you just stand, if a thought arises, do not try and suppress it, acknowledge it and it will move on. Eventually the monkey mind subsides and you are just standing
I'm beginning to question the need for physical therapy, (sorry @Buka :D.) I do all the exercises on my own, all they do is hurt me by pushing the joint beyond where it wants to go, and that hurts a lot. And afterwards I am more stiff than when I walked in and I see no gains in flexibility at all. I started looking at this form the years of martial arts and stretching's and I do believe in one day of approaching this from that direction I have gained more than in 2 weeks of PT and literal torture.

Have not made tremendous gains, but I gained a little , which is more than can be said for what I have gained after a few weeks of PT. Last appointment they took my crutch, I could not walk, they wanted to make me walk. I finally had to tell them, give me the crutch or I taking it and leaving. Walking without it was killing the other bad knee, and I can't afford to have that go right now. Started a MA approach stretching yesterday (with PT exercises), instead of going to PT.....Could not walk without crutches yesterday...I'm on a cane today. Still need a crutch for up and down stairs, but at least there has been some movement towards recovery.

Have an MD appointment today and another PT tomorrow. If the MD asks I will discuss PT, but tomorrow I feel a long discussion coming on with the PT person.
You may want to try out a different PT.
I'm beginning to question the need for physical therapy, (sorry @Buka :D.) I do all the exercises on my own, all they do is hurt me by pushing the joint beyond where it wants to go, and that hurts a lot. And afterwards I am more stiff than when I walked in and I see no gains in flexibility at all. I started looking at this form the years of martial arts and stretching's and I do believe in one day of approaching this from that direction I have gained more than in 2 weeks of PT and literal torture.

Have not made tremendous gains, but I gained a little , which is more than can be said for what I have gained after a few weeks of PT. Last appointment they took my crutch, I could not walk, they wanted to make me walk. I finally had to tell them, give me the crutch or I taking it and leaving. Walking without it was killing the other bad knee, and I can't afford to have that go right now. Started a MA approach stretching yesterday (with PT exercises), instead of going to PT.....Could not walk without crutches yesterday...I'm on a cane today. Still need a crutch for up and down stairs, but at least there has been some movement towards recovery.

Have an MD appointment today and another PT tomorrow. If the MD asks I will discuss PT, but tomorrow I feel a long discussion coming on with the PT person.
Yeah understand the frustration... I do know these things do indeed take time, especially for the bigger operations.. but if you're feeling worse afterwards and overall, definitely be totally honest with the physio. Usually they can be upfront and honest with the game plan here, and what incremental progress to make.

But yes, seeing a different physio can make a massive difference, they can be fairly varied in approach.

For my partially torn ankle ligament and slight fracture the doc said I needed to get a cast on it for like a month or so. The wait was so long so eventually went into the hospital to see if I could get a cast. The doc there said no you should have been getting physio this whole time, not a cast...

So booked in for a physio and he said the same. After one session I was off crutches, and it only took three total sessions. Obviously a different and more minor issue, but my point is that second opinions are always a good idea :). But that being said, sometimes it can be quite a slow process to trust in... but yeah I can't speak to what your knee needs for healing. Hoping it gets sorted, keep us posted
If you are also looking for mushin, I also would recommend CMA standing postures like standing post and wuji.
No thought, no attempt to move any Qi, just stand and breath and after a few sessions and some time standing you start to notice all sorts of internal connections. I was at about 18 minutes when I started to notice connections. Much like seated meditation you just stand, if a thought arises, do not try and suppress it, acknowledge it and it will move on. Eventually the monkey mind subsides and you are just standing
I guess you could say I'm a "seeker" for sure... I have actually been getting back into more regular mediation, but very funny that you mention that as I had recently tried incorporating standing versions!

I'm not too well versed in it, but stumbled upon one from Taikiken (which says is greatly inspired by Yi Quan). Apparently Taikiken was a big part of early Kyokushin days, I really wish we had that incorporated and trained it with the organisation I was with for so long! Balance out some of the extreme hardness...

Anyway, there's a 'tanto' posture I've been trying (knees slightly bent, arms out bent and slightly in front of you. Picture below) but only for maybe 5-10 minutes max. I will certainly try longer. I've heard that you can have deep muscular releases occur from standing in this too, as the tension you realise you don't need just drops away.

But in a meditative sense I'm very keen to explore, I'll look into standing post and wuji, your description of it sounds amazing and right up my alley, a thanks heaps for that :)

I guess you could say I'm a "seeker" for sure... I have actually been getting back into more regular mediation, but very funny that you mention that as I had recently tried incorporating standing versions!

I'm not too well versed in it, but stumbled upon one from Taikiken (which says is greatly inspired by Yi Quan). Apparently Taikiken was a big part of early Kyokushin days, I really wish we had that incorporated and trained it with the organisation I was with for so long! Balance out some of the extreme hardness...

Anyway, there's a 'tanto' posture I've been trying (knees slightly bent, arms out bent and slightly in front of you. Picture below) but only for maybe 5-10 minutes max. I will certainly try longer. I've heard that you can have deep muscular releases occur from standing in this too, as the tension you realise you don't need just drops away.

But in a meditative sense I'm very keen to explore, I'll look into standing post and wuji, your description of it sounds amazing and right up my alley, a thanks heaps for that :)

View attachment 26946

Any standing posture will do. I did some Yiquan briefly and there are multiple standing postures there. The one you have pictured I have done in yiquan and xingyiquan but in xingyi it was called the bear posture.

As for Yiquan, there is a book that came highly recommended titled

Yiquan 360: Internal Factors and Training Concepts for All Internal Art Enthusiasts

I have not read it yet, but I will be soon. I have meant the author and he is a very knowledgable guy

Also books by Lam Kam Chuen are very good as well
Yeah understand the frustration... I do know these things do indeed take time, especially for the bigger operations.. but if you're feeling worse afterwards and overall, definitely be totally honest with the physio. Usually they can be upfront and honest with the game plan here, and what incremental progress to make.

But yes, seeing a different physio can make a massive difference, they can be fairly varied in approach.

For my partially torn ankle ligament and slight fracture the doc said I needed to get a cast on it for like a month or so. The wait was so long so eventually went into the hospital to see if I could get a cast. The doc there said no you should have been getting physio this whole time, not a cast...

So booked in for a physio and he said the same. After one session I was off crutches, and it only took three total sessions. Obviously a different and more minor issue, but my point is that second opinions are always a good idea :). But that being said, sometimes it can be quite a slow process to trust in... but yeah I can't speak to what your knee needs for healing. Hoping it gets sorted, keep us posted

After my appointment with the MD yesterday, who also felt the PT folks were being a little overzealous, and the MD's offer to call them and tell them to dial it back, the decision was made to leave that group. I also have a much better view of what is going on and where I am supposed to be (per MD I am right on track) and where I am suppose to be heading. I will continue with the exercises I have been given on my own until my appointment with the new group, that I have been to before.

The group I just left just gave me the feeling that this was a race and that I was far behind everyone else because a little over 2 weeks after surgery I was still using one crutch. Per MD, one crutch at this tine, 3 weeks after surgery is great.
Jacob gave his first private lesson this week.(8 year old orange belt) It went real good and they went ahead and signed up and paid for 7 more over the next month (2 per week). So he has gas money for this

They had asked Jacob's instructor who suggested they ask Jacob. (Jacob's instructor doesn't do private lessons)
Jacob gave his first private lesson this week.(8 year old orange belt) It went real good and they went ahead and signed up and paid for 7 more over the next month (2 per week). So he has gas money for this

They had asked Jacob's instructor who suggested they ask Jacob. (Jacob's instructor doesn't do private lessons)
That's pretty awesome. We've kind of watched him grow up these last three or four years.

And good to see/read you again, CB. Hope you're well and staying safe.

How crazy has your part of the world been lately?
That's pretty awesome. We've kind of watched him grow up these last three or four years.

And good to see/read you again, CB. Hope you're well and staying safe.

How crazy has your part of the world been lately?

I'm just doesn't leave me much free time anymore. I do take 5 minutes a week to curse the people that convinced me to promote to a supervisor.
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