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Liars that owned Apple computers.
Speaking as a enterprise Apple Support person for the state of NY......likely they were lied to by the Apple store and the folks at the "Genius Bar" and they intern lied to you.

Macs can be hacked, compromised and infected by viruses... My recommendation is wipe it, start from scratch and install either Intego Virus Barrier or Trend Micro for Mac.

What OS does it have and what Browser are you using? PM me that info if you prefer
To be fair, a locked iPhone is extremely secure. Much more so than an Android phone. And the same is true for computers. The easiest way to access someones data these days is to get them to help you.

Imagine you're working the front office. I come in and say I've got a meeting with XXXXX, but I forgot to print some documents. I ask you to print them off for me. It's a virtual certainty that you will. And 10 seconds after you plug in the USB drive, I've got control of your computer. And once you're in one computer, it's much easier to get into others on the same network.

You do some crafty stuff. So I send you a link to a supply website that's running a big sale. I even make the URL a close match to the real place. You click and check out the sales. Again, I now own your computer.

As for phone... my phone is dead, can I borrow yours for just one minute? You unlock it and hand it over. I've got a little tiny gizmo that plugs into the power port. And it's pretty simple to plug it in without you noticing. And now I own your phone.

The programs to take over are really quite simple. The social engineering is the difficult part.
Of course.
People are careless.
And becoming more so as they no longer consider the phone a portal to their life like they used to.
My point was more the automatic syncing of devices.
hack one you hack them all
Hack one aspect and get a foot in the door.
Speaking as a enterprise Apple Support person for the state of NY......likely they were lied to by the Apple store and the folks at the "Genius Bar" and they intern lied to you.

Macs can be hacked, compromised and infected by viruses... My recommendation is wipe it, start from scratch and install either Intego Virus Barrier or Trend Micro for Mac.

What OS does it have and what Browser are you using? PM me that info if you prefer
I just had my buddy do that. He worked for Apple for many years.

I should have known better. I last had an Apple computer back in the nineties. After a year of frustration with it I placed in the back yard and blew it up with a shotgun. doubt. But did it feel good? Oh, yeah, baby.

But I'm much more mature now. I'd never think of doing that. I'll eventually bring this one to the range, maybe the next time we qualify.
Did anyone watch the latest episode of America's Got Talent? They had a TKD Demo Team on that was absolutely wild. And yes, I know it's performance art (that's why it's called a demo team) but it was really something to see. EVEN if you don't like that kind of thing.

My wife and I actually stood up and applauded, laughing. (with joy, not sarcasm) It was nuts.
I hope the Mods are aware that the search function doesn't work.

Who's idea was it to go to this new format? I mean, heck, if it ain't broke, why fix it?
Is it normal for cops to pull over people who have a bumper hitch?
We have had the truck for years, with said hitch on.
Insufficient information. It could be one of several violations, or a tool for an investigatory stop.
I just had my buddy do that. He worked for Apple for many years.

I should have known better. I last had an Apple computer back in the nineties. After a year of frustration with it I placed in the back yard and blew it up with a shotgun. doubt. But did it feel good? Oh, yeah, baby.

But I'm much more mature now. I'd never think of doing that. I'll eventually bring this one to the range, maybe the next time we qualify.
I don't think you realize, as an IT tech, early in my career, I once came up with an idea for a business called PC-apult.... bring all annoying PC and laptops and for a small fee I'd load them into a catapult ..... and hit the trigger and send them flying down field


If you have multiple PC, or Macs... a trebuchet


on fire was optional
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Insufficient information. It could be one of several violations, or a tool for an investigatory stop.
Ok, let's play
Truck: Old, 2003 model, beat up but not rusty
Hitch: Been on the truck for so long, I don't remember it not being on there.
As a matter of fact, last week we changed the ball to a smaller one.
Jurisdiction: Small incorporated community, Police (I assume, I wasn't the one pulled over)
Time: Early morning (on a breakfast run)
Driver: young male, white, beard, longish hair (but not an abuser of drugs or alcohol)

And when I say early, I mean around 7-8 AM

What baffles me is that this vehicle has been all over the state with said hitch ball on the bumper no telling how many times.
Just yesterday I drove it (old lady with white hair) past a couple of congregating cops not once, but twice, and presumably a few miles above speed limit (but within traffic flow and not excessive speeding)

I think I will get a (few) dashcam(s)
I don't think you realize, as an IT tech, early in my career, I once came up with an idea for a business called PC-apult.... bring all annoying PC and laptops and for a small fee I'd load them into a catapult ..... and hit the trigger and send them flying down field


If you have multiple PC, or Macs... a trebuchet

on fire was optio
I don't think you realize, as an IT tech, early in my career, I once came up with an idea for a business called PC-apult.... bring all annoying PC and laptops and for a small fee I'd load them into a catapult ..... and hit the trigger and send them flying down field


If you have multiple PC, or Macs... a trebuchet


on fire was optional
I am SO your first customer. And yes, on fire, please.
I had a horrible nights sleep last night, knee kept walking me far all I have done this morning is eat breakfast and nod off
Well I was considering doing the Iron man next week, but I think I'll milk this for what it's worth. :D

Nope, still on crutches, still can't bend the dang knee
I remember how stiff my knee was after a relatively minor arthroscopic surgery - I can only imagine how much the swelling is restricting yours.
I remember how stiff my knee was after a relatively minor arthroscopic surgery - I can only imagine how much the swelling is restricting yours.

I've had meniscus repair on both knees, and it was painful, but the range of motion was effected, but no where near this much, can hardly bend the leg, Also this far into meniscus recovery, I was walking better, still needed crutches and/or a cane, but nowhere near teh amount of pain I get from just standing up
I've had meniscus repair on both knees, and it was painful, but the range of motion was effected, but no where near this much, can hardly bend the leg, Also this far into meniscus recovery, I was walking better, still needed crutches and/or a cane, but nowhere near teh amount of pain I get from just standing up
I can only imagine, man. I've not (yet) had anything that major. The closest would be the repairs on my toe, and that was much less extensive (and didn't affect the whole leg, obviously). That was bad enough.
I can only imagine, man. I've not (yet) had anything that major. The closest would be the repairs on my toe, and that was much less extensive (and didn't affect the whole leg, obviously). That was bad enough.

I hope you never have to find out.

And with that, I am once agin going to go try and get some sleep.... if it is like the past nights since surgery... I'll get about an hour, and wake up....sry again and I will get about 2 hours and wake up....try again and I will get 1 to 2 hours and then give up

Night MT
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