Last Poster #7

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So I got a question for you all. I know most of you on here are older than me and way more experienced in life. If you were 32 years old again, or you had to give some wisdom about life to a 32 year old like myself what would it be? I'm still young but i have alot to learn about life and the world. What would you have wished someone told you or what do you wish you knew in your early 30s? It can be about anything.

Getting old is inevitable, even if you aren’t particularly wise. My advice is to remember that the random stranger who is giving you advice may have no idea what they’re talking about (me included). He may just be a lucky idiot.

I guess the actual pearl of wisdom is to be discriminating when you select your trusted advisors
Is that a Manga? The cover kind of looks like some Manga books I see at the book store sometimes.
It's an online book. The cartoon hasn't been created yet. In those books, when you use your punch to destroy a planet, nobody will say that you are a cold blood murder with serious legal issue.

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Getting old is inevitable, even if you aren’t particularly wise. My advice is to remember that the random stranger who is giving you advice may have no idea what they’re talking about (me included). He may just be a lucky idiot.

I guess the actual pearl of wisdom is to be discriminating when you select your trusted advisors
can't really argue with that
Never let someone to shake your single hand with his both hands.
Hehe, I always shake people's hands using both hands. I got that from my early training days when you greeted a senior grade. It just stuck, but I kept it as I do it as an utmost of respect sorta thing.
My favorite 'Never' quotes from Brainy:

Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.
- Napolean Bonaparte
Never lose an opportunity of seeing anything beautiful, for beauty is God's handwriting.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
Never be afraid to trust an unknown future to a known God.
- Corrie Ten Boom
Never go against a Sicilian when death is on the line.
- Vecini
Hehe, I always shake people's hands using both hands. I got that from my early training days when you greeted a senior grade. It just stuck, but I kept it as I do it as an utmost of respect sorta thing.
I shook hands with a woman in the ER one night and she gave a little bow. I asked her what she trained in. Turned out she was from out of state and a 1st geup in TKD. I told her the bow was actually appropriate and we'd just assume she'd developed Dandar.
Getting old is inevitable, even if you aren’t particularly wise. My advice is to remember that the random stranger who is giving you advice may have no idea what they’re talking about (me included). He may just be a lucky idiot.

I guess the actual pearl of wisdom is to be discriminating when you select your trusted advisors
Thanks Steve. That's good advice. I have to be discerning in life.
Hehe, I always shake people's hands using both hands.
When your opponent shakes both hands with your single hand, he can give you a "downward shaking (quick pull and release)" to pull your body forward and down. He can then give you an uppercut on your chin. Your opponent's single hand shaking won't be powerful enough to do that.
When your opponent shakes both hands with your single hand, he can give you a "downward shaking (quick pull and release)" to pull your body forward and down. He can then give you an uppercut on your chin. Your opponent's single hand shaking won't be powerful enough to do that.
.. I'm sure many things could happen. I don't assume I'll be attacked with everything I do. Anyone's hand I shake it's done because I to some degree respect them, and aim to connect with them :)
.. I'm sure many things could happen. I don't assume I'll be attacked with everything I do. Anyone's hand I shake it's done because I to some degree respect them, and aim to connect with them :)
Old Chinese saying said, "If you are always careful, your boat will never sink." Another thing that you should watch out is when someone served hot tea to you. He can throw hot tea on your face and then beat you up.
I had to go to a Very slim-shady part of the metropolitan area in the adjoining county yesterday. Very high crime rate. I knew that going in so I open carried. It turned out to be an uneventful trip. Did it make a huge difference? I don't know and to me that is a good thing.
I hope that makes my point.
Driving down the road this morning I saw an axis deer that had been hit by a truck, took its head off. I saw a bloody faced mongoose climb out of it’s neck.

Not something you see every day. Thankfully.
I had to go to a Very slim-shady part of the metropolitan area in the adjoining county yesterday. Very high crime rate. I knew that going in so I open carried. It turned out to be an uneventful trip. Did it make a huge difference? I don't know and to me that is a good thing.
I hope that makes my point.
This is how you should carry in high crime rate area.


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