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You just have to laugh.....
It appears I'm being written out of the script by non-government IT. They can't fire me, they can't tell me what to do, and yelling at me would be a complete waste of their time. They have been messing up and I have been fixing it. Well, I got involved to late last week and they did some damage.... I found out....tried to help the user, and when the user talk to them abot what I said, they got angry and told them to NOT talk to me again...... so... looks like I read books for the next 3 years and watch the place slowly sink into disrepair
That sounds horrible. Three years of life just wasted. We are talking over 6000 hours of your life. Can you take an early retirement and do some consulting or something? Put in for a transfer? That just sounds like it would be hell.

don’t misunderstand me. I am in a similar boat. Things are going downhill at my work too and I’m considering early retirement. I’m not ready to stop working yet. I have over 30 years in, but I’m also about 3 years from optional retirement age. So i can take a hit and retire now, or wait it out for 3 more years. And I’m thinking more and more that it’s time to go. Try something new for a while.
That sounds horrible. Three years of life just wasted. We are talking over 6000 hours of your life. Can you take an early retirement and do some consulting or something? Put in for a transfer? That just sounds like it would be hell.

don’t misunderstand me. I am in a similar boat. Things are going downhill at my work too and I’m considering early retirement. I’m not ready to stop working yet. I have over 30 years in, but I’m also about 3 years from optional retirement age. So i can take a hit and retire now, or wait it out for 3 more years. And I’m thinking more and more that it’s time to go. Try something new for a while.
I can retire anytime, but I'm building up time to cover health insurance when I retire. By boss retires next year and then 1 of 4 things will happen since I will be the last Gov IT person left standing in this office.

1) the write me out, leave me alone and I read books for 2 years
2) They leave me alone and I just do a little part of what I currently do, because no one else knows how
3) they harass the heck out of me, but in all honesty, they can't do anything to me, I can ignore them, and it ultimately gives them more grief than me
4) I transfer if possible or they say Gov IT is not needed or wanted there and I get reassigned

When we get to that I will look seriously into what the difference in hours makes as it applies to healthcare costs

I am also revisiting my little bit of background in Linux.... and them writing me out gives me time for that so i is not all bad. And being more competent in Linux gives me additional options for my last couple years
I can retire anytime, but I'm building up time to cover health insurance when I retire. By boss retires next year and then 1 of 4 things will happen since I will be the last Gov IT person left standing in this office.

1) the write me out, leave me alone and I read books for 2 years
2) They leave me alone and I just do a little part of what I currently do, because no one else knows how
3) they harass the heck out of me, but in all honesty, they can't do anything to me, I can ignore them, and it ultimately gives them more grief than me
4) I transfer if possible or they say Gov IT is not needed or wanted there and I get reassigned

When we get to that I will look seriously into what the difference in hours makes as it applies to healthcare costs

I am also revisiting little bit of background in Linux.... and them writing me out gives me time for that so i is not all bad. And being more competent in Linux gives me additional options for my last couple years
Sounds like you have a plan. I get the health care thing. I have health insurance covered so that isn’t a problem for me, but that would definitely keep me around a couple more years if needed. In my case, it’s just money in the short term. But I could make a fraction as much doing something fun (like zipline guide, Gerry. Just saying!) and easily cover the shortfall for a few years.
Sounds like you have a plan. I get the health care thing. I have health insurance covered so that isn’t a problem for me, but that would definitely keep me around a couple more years if needed. In my case, it’s just money in the short term. But I could make a fraction as much doing something fun (like zipline guide, Gerry. Just saying!) and easily cover the shortfall for a few years.
The more sick time I accumulate to a max of 1500 hours. it is converted and helps cover help insurance monthly premium. That way the insurance I have now will continue when I retire with little cost to me. I'm at 1100 hrs now
The more sick time I accumulate to a max of 1500 hours. it is converted and helps cover help insurance monthly premium. That way the insurance I have now will continue when I retire with little cost to me. I'm at 1100 hrs now
That’s interesting. Our sick time converts to service. 2080 hours is another year calculated into the annuity. I won’t have that much but it’s not all or nothing. 1040 hours is about 6 months. I took quite a bit of sick time to take care of my daughter when she was in chemo and will take some more over the next few months for her radiation amd CAR T treatments. But I should still have like 1500 hours when I decide to retire.
That’s interesting. Our sick time converts to service. 2080 hours is another year calculated into the annuity. I won’t have that much but it’s not all or nothing. 1040 hours is about 6 months. I took quite a bit of sick time to take care of my daughter when she was in chemo and will take some more over the next few months for her radiation amd CAR T treatments. But I should still have like 1500 hours when I decide to retire.
I had to cover everything for my daughter when she was growing up, my wife runs her own office so it was my job. That took my time down. The Pandemic actually help me build time up. for us 1500 hours is 200 days. We get a check for unused vacation time, I think up to 300 hours. Unused personal time, we lose
On retirement...

I just passed 24 years; "full" retirement is at 25, but I can go anytime. I'm at 48% currently; at 25, it's 50%. Sick leave is complicated, because I straddle across two rules. I get 100% paid out up to a certain date, and then 50% up to 1024 hours, with the rest going to service. I'm looking into whether that cash out is able to be waived and go to service instead, because I have WELL over that. As well as quite a bit of annual leave, that is cashed out.

Bottom line -- the way a lot of things have gone, I'm not sure I'll make 25. Looking around; there are some big incentives to leave and go to one of a few neighboring agencies on a separate retirement -- meaning I can double dip. With a salary likely pretty close to where I am now -- and a hefty signging incentive. Or go to something else entirely...

On retirement...

I just passed 24 years; "full" retirement is at 25, but I can go anytime. I'm at 48% currently; at 25, it's 50%. Sick leave is complicated, because I straddle across two rules. I get 100% paid out up to a certain date, and then 50% up to 1024 hours, with the rest going to service. I'm looking into whether that cash out is able to be waived and go to service instead, because I have WELL over that. As well as quite a bit of annual leave, that is cashed out.

Bottom line -- the way a lot of things have gone, I'm not sure I'll make 25. Looking around; there are some big incentives to leave and go to one of a few neighboring agencies on a separate retirement -- meaning I can double dip. With a salary likely pretty close to where I am now -- and a hefty signging incentive. Or go to something else entirely...

We can go for full retirement at 55 if you have 30 years. I didn't have 30 years at 55. You can go anytime, no matter they years at 60 .... I have 30 now, I'm over 60 so I can go anytime. But the main thing is the healthcare coverage. Also have a child still in college, but we will see how things go here based on the way things are going.... I may go before 2027, who knows. Also they cold give out another incentive, which would mean I go then. Although I am not holding my breath for that.

In my system years equate to a percentage of your salary, take the number of years, times that by 2, and that is your percentage. but beyond 35 or it might be forty years, you have maxed out, any further time will not add to your percentage. But your salary would be higher so you would get more in retirement
All of this makes me want to retire, and just set up a booth selling fresh roasted coffee at the farmers markets. I may not make any money, but it sure would be a lot more fun.
Believe me, I'm right there with you.... I won't be selling coffee, but I will be retired..... might buy some from you though, should I be in the neighborhood
In my system years equate to a percentage of your salary, take the number of years, times that by 2, and that is your percentage. but beyond 35 or it might be forty years, you have maxed out, any further time will not add to your percentage. But your salary would be higher so you would get more in retirement
I'm actually under 2 plans. One plan is a multiple on the years of service; the other starts at 40% at 20 years, and maxes at 50% at 25 years in 2% annual steps. They "work together" essentially, with one supplementing the other, to give you the higher payment in total. They cross around 28 years, and the one pays out your contributions plus interest when it would no longer be paying out.
I'm actually under 2 plans. One plan is a multiple on the years of service; the other starts at 40% at 20 years, and maxes at 50% at 25 years in 2% annual steps. They "work together" essentially, with one supplementing the other, to give you the higher payment in total. They cross around 28 years, and the one pays out your contributions plus interest when it would no longer be paying out.
We have the 40% for 20, 50% for 25, 60% for 30, up to I think it is 80% for 40. If I make it to 2027 I think I will be around 66% possibly 68%.... vacation time is a check that gets sent to me.
All of this makes me want to retire, and just set up a booth selling fresh roasted coffee at the farmers markets. I may not make any money, but it sure would be a lot more fun.
To sit on the rocking chair and look at blue sky and white cloud is a full-time job.

Today, I have been retired for 20 years and 3 months. It's the best part of my life. I can go wherever I want to, and sleep whenever I want to get up.
In coffee related news, I picked up some coffee last weekend that is truly bonkers. It's a Colombian bean that is co-fermented with grape pulp. I've never had anything quite like it. Tastes like coffee and also like grapes. Sort of a wine/chocolate pairing... it's delicious. I wouldn't want to drink it all the time, but for a weird and surprising one-off, it is really good. The guy sold me a couple of pounds of greens, so I can roast them myself and see what happens.
To sit on the rocking chair and look at blue sky and white cloud is a full-time job.

Today, I have been retired for 20 years and 3 months. It's the best part of my life. I can go wherever I want to, and sleep whenever I want to get up.
Unfortunately, barring a lottery win on a ticket I don't buy, that sort of retirement isn't in the offing for me anytime soon... Health insurance, alone, tells me this.
Unfortunately, barring a lottery win on a ticket I don't buy, that sort of retirement isn't in the offing for me anytime soon... Health insurance, alone, tells me this.
If one is not 59 and 1/2, he can't take money out of his 401 K. If his company doesn't have pension and retirement health insurance, it can make early retirement more difficult.

Back in my time, people stay with one company for 30 years and retired. Today people change company from company, not sure how the retirement health insurance may work.
Another macho talk to share.

Why don't you just drop your gun? The last person who pointed his gun at me, grass has already grown high on his tomb. Sometimes, it's hard for me to control myself.
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I lived in 1229 Ohio St, Laurance, Kanas for 1 year and 1/2. The upstairs (window on the right). The rent was $28 per month (1970 - 1972). Gas was $0.23 a gallon.

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