There's more to the story. Right down the street from the high School I worked, three blocks away, was The First National (grocery store chain) parking lot. In that parking lot, on standby, were two buses full of what used to be called the TPF (tactical police force) There were around sixty of them at all times.
They were handpicked officers, in jump suits, carrying big riot batons. They came in when things got too out of control. (and they came in hard) They were also ALL on overtime.
Several years later, some very sharp people I know did a study. A study of what court ordered desegregation cost the city of Boston. With the figure they came up with, which was on the conservative side, the city could have built, and staffed, state of the art high schools in every single neighborhood in the city of Boston.
It was the biggest waste of money I've ever seen. It ruined kids educations, had terrible permanent effects on most of the kids, both black and white, and actually escalated racial unrest for a couple of decades.
The good old federal government - don't think about it, just throw money at it.