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Been over eating for ten days, really good chow, too. It’s gotten to the point my friends have put me in a wheelbarrow with a funnel in my mouth and now address me as “slug”.
I am a truly happy man. Er...slug.
Something I’ve long wanted to do. Quite jealous, man.

See for me it was the other way. It was probably one of those things I never thought I could do. But it came up so I did it.

I did manage to bum plant in to the deck on landing, crushing my instructor. And there should be video eventually.

And that video will have swearing.
Been over eating for ten days, really good chow, too. It’s gotten to the point my friends have put me in a wheelbarrow with a funnel in my mouth and now address me as “slug”.
I am a truly happy man. Er...slug.
Sound like a good time, brother.
See for me it was the other way. It was probably one of those things I never thought I could do. But it came up so I did it.

I did manage to bum plant in to the deck on landing, crushing my instructor. And there should be video eventually.

And that video will have swearing.
Good on you, then.
well, it spins....but yarn winders are maybe somebody build the first apple peeler from a yarn spinner?
Could very well be. Probably some old guy who was tired of peeling apples and pissed off his wife when he ruined her yarn winder.
Went to the cinema this morning for the first time in years.

And yes, I mean years...

The last film I remember going to see was Batman Forever :D

(I did go once since then, but I only know I went through being told I did so. Alcohol is a strange thing.)
Yeah am not really a movie person either to be honest.. I did see "IT" but only cos some friends were super keen and invited me hehe
No, it's a specific machine.

I'm considering motorising it though...
I apparently popped another rib head loose while putting in the Hobbit’s new wardrobe. Damned thing keeps waking me up (the rib head, not the you think I’d stop to post on MT if the furniture was nudging me awake at night????)
I trying to come up with a use - past killing people by throwing them in the floor!
I nearly wipes out a couple of times walking to and from the car!

I wonder if I can just stick the raw ones in everclear for flavoring, or if I should roast them first....I missed my window of opportunity - again - to try with the young, green ones.
Great Grandma left a wealth of recipes, among them a great many with to make that sweet concoction.
Fer some reason she didn't make any with weed. Mom said she made cookies with it, lemon cookies for the grownups.....It wasn't illegal back then! :D
We closed up a bottle of everclear with blackberries once. For medicinal purposes. That was good times.
We closed up a bottle of everclear with blackberries once. For medicinal purposes. That was good times.
well, you gotta cut it with some simple syrup.....
I don't think there is anything she did not try to booze up.

The only thing she could not get around to liking was pumpkin.
well, you gotta cut it with some simple syrup.....
I don't think there is anything she did not try to booze up.

The only thing she could not get around to liking was pumpkin.
I make awesome vodka-based orange cordial with simple syrup and orange peel.
well, you gotta cut it with some simple syrup.....
I don't think there is anything she did not try to booze up.

The only thing she could not get around to liking was pumpkin.
We had some non-alcoholic sangria once. It was very good for cutting Everclear.
I was very confused.

Everclear is a brand of contact lenses here.

I wondered what benefit could be had by cutting them with foodstuffs...
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