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Resumed my normal workout routine after struggling with my cold and not working out all of last week. Did you know, if you don't do POUND for two weeks, it hurts? Yoga and Zumba here I come!

@gpseymour and I have a mud run in 12 days. @Xue Sheng won't be there to rescue us since he probably has a thing, with a guy, at a place... besides such events are usually chock full of avid bacon lovers. So... we are on our own. Ready or not.

Good to hear you've recovered from the cold, ahhh yep the back-to-it workout pains hehe..

Yay mud run! If Xue goes I go too!
Resumed my normal workout routine after struggling with my cold and not working out all of last week. Did you know, if you don't do POUND for two weeks, it hurts? Yoga and Zumba here I come!

@gpseymour and I have a mud run in 12 days. @Xue Sheng won't be there to rescue us since he probably has a thing, with a guy, at a place... besides such events are usually chock full of avid bacon lovers. So... we are on our own. Ready or not.

How quickly you forget....I have a mud allergy
Well, I wasn't able to revive the keyboard on my laptop, even after a good washing and cleansing with alcohol. I have to head out tomorrow to deliver some training, so after a quick trip to Best Buy, I now have a newer model from the same line. I put the old drive in an external case, hooked it up, and have booted the new PC from it. Loading a mess of drivers now. Once they are done, I'll crack open the new PC and swap the drives.

Not how I'd planned to spend the afternoon.
wireless keyboard.
Well had a very good goulash soup followed by jager schnitzel with spatzle and cucumber salad. I'm stuffed.

Now for a piece of peanut butter cake with a chocolate butter cream frosting and a cup of good coffee.
The last couple weeks my sensei has been going through all of the material in PTK. I had just assumed he was going back to basics and making sure he's hit everything. Apparently I've been being tested and passed, without realizing it.

Ah that's fantastic, CONGRATS man! (Had to look up what PTK was... but nevertheless, great to hear!)
... was in the middle of weight training, and the Pokémon theme song came on my iPod. FOLLOWED by Run DMC's "It's Like That".

...... suffice it to say..... I felt I could take on the world.
wireless keyboard.
I was going to go that route (I have one I use at home), but there were intermittent repeating phantom keystrokes preventing the wireless from functioning properly. I could probably have disconnected the keyboard internally, but I didn’t have time to test that, have it fail, and still be able to get a new one fully into service (allowing for issues) before my flight today. Had to go for the sure fix.

Unfortunately, I misread the results in a quick web search, and the old drive doesn’t fit the new PC (which has a too-small drive). So, another $200-300 when I get home. For now, booting from an external drive case.
The last couple weeks my sensei has been going through all of the material in PTK. I had just assumed he was going back to basics and making sure he's hit everything. Apparently I've been being tested and passed, without realizing it.
I love a good stealth test. Good for you, man!
Ugh I tooootally forgot. What if he pretends or is told VERY convincingly it's just like nice warm sand on a beach or something... really placebo it up!
You'd have to blindfold him too. Because like half a mile from the Tough Mudder city he'll start seeing people covered in mud and the signs that include the word "mudder". I think it might tip him off that it's nothing like nice warm sand on beach.
Ugh I tooootally forgot. What if he pretends or is told VERY convincingly it's just like nice warm sand on a beach or something... really placebo it up!

Sorry...sand intolerant :D

You'd have to blindfold him too. Because like half a mile from the Tough Mudder city he'll start seeing people covered in mud and the signs that include the word "mudder". I think it might tip him off that it's nothing like nice warm sand on beach.

No, blind folds...thinning retina
Sorry...sand intolerant :D

No, blind folds...thinning retina
You know... you are more high maintenance than my miniature dachshund.
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