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Switched to vaping instead. So kind of cheating in a way, but...

95+% less "harmful" (according to PHE and others - there are still risks but the overwhelming scientific opinion is massively in it's favour).
90+% cheaper (ongoing cost, excluding equipment setup).
Ability to extremely accurately control nicotine levels (which I'm still getting tuned).

Previously tried most of the nrt systems, tried cutting down, tried just stopping - apparently I have almost zero willpower as I've not gone without for more than 3 days in the last ~28 years (and that 3 days was due to illness) :banghead:

Noticing a positive difference in how I feel physically and mentally. No tar stains on my fingers, teeth are getting cleaner, no mouth feeling like the bottom of a parrot's cage every morning :depressed:

Honestly, should have done it years ago.

My new best friend:

View attachment 21836

The wife switched at the same time too, and she's noticing the same sort of improvements herself.

I quit smoking by vaping and quiting vaping was easy!

Basically my Vape pen broke so I just said ok I'm done.
Cigars are pricey, though, at least good ones. Bought two the other day, fifty six bucks. But, man, they were really good.

I'm going to get one more today on the way to work. Then try and back off until Thanksgiving.

@pdg, what do you mean by usage profile?
Cigars are pricey, though, at least good ones. Bought two the other day, fifty six bucks. But, man, they were really good.

I'm going to get one more today on the way to work. Then try and back off until Thanksgiving.

@pdg, what do you mean by usage profile?

I just bum off a couple of my cigar

I wouldn’t know what to buy if I went to buy one.
In case anyone was worried, we survived the half Tough Mudder. I fell off one of the obstacles (almost scaled that bugger too - I was ticked off!), and bailed out of two other ones I fell short on strength for, but did the other ten just fine. Huge thanks to all my trainers, including @gpseymour , my yoga, Zumba, and POUND instructors - I would not have survived this without everything they'd taught me and all the training they'd put me through. Fact - a person with a big tush is an invaluable asset in obstacles like Mud Mile 2.0 and Block Ness Monster. Once you sling them over the high parts, they help pull other people over just by dangling off the other side and serving as a counterweight. So, if you ever do this, have a big-butted person on your team.
@pdg, what do you mean by usage profile?

Usage profile = consumption statistics...

Cigarette consumption is commonly quantified in multiples of say 5 or 10 per day. A guy I spoke to on Wednesday is on 60 a day.

Not sure many people are going to be 20+ a day on cigars ;)
In case anyone was worried, we survived the half Tough Mudder. I fell off one of the obstacles (almost scaled that bugger too - I was ticked off!), and bailed out of two other ones I fell short on strength for, but did the other ten just fine. Huge thanks to all my trainers, including @gpseymour , my yoga, Zumba, and POUND instructors - I would not have survived this without everything they'd taught me and all the training they'd put me through. Fact - a person with a big tush is an invaluable asset in obstacles like Mud Mile 2.0 and Block Ness Monster. Once you sling them over the high parts, they help pull other people over just by dangling off the other side and serving as a counterweight. So, if you ever do this, have a big-butted person on your team.
All in all, great fun was had by all.

Much later, spiced rum was had by all.
In case anyone was worried, we survived the half Tough Mudder. I fell off one of the obstacles (almost scaled that bugger too - I was ticked off!), and bailed out of two other ones I fell short on strength for, but did the other ten just fine. Huge thanks to all my trainers, including @gpseymour , my yoga, Zumba, and POUND instructors - I would not have survived this without everything they'd taught me and all the training they'd put me through. Fact - a person with a big tush is an invaluable asset in obstacles like Mud Mile 2.0 and Block Ness Monster. Once you sling them over the high parts, they help pull other people over just by dangling off the other side and serving as a counterweight. So, if you ever do this, have a big-butted person on your team.
All in all, great fun was had by all.

Much later, spiced rum was had by all.
Well done guys, great work, doesn't sound like an easy run, but a great accomplishment :)
Well done guys, great work, doesn't sound like an easy run, but a great accomplishment :)
It rained some of the time - really considerate of the weather, really, since this made the trek extra-muddy and really put the MUD in Tough Mudder, and someone forgot to pre-heat the water in all the water obstacles. We were all extra-motivated to get in and out of those as quickly as possible - that water was COLD. :)

I needed some help getting hoisted onto walls, but, once there, I could finally be of some use and help pull people up. At one point, at the Cliffhanger obstacle, which is a tilted wall you climb from the underside, there were four of us, girls standing on the other, vertical side, on a slat, pulling people up and over, dropping them on the other side, and then pulling up the next person. Good times!
Well done guys, great work, doesn't sound like an easy run, but a great accomplishment :)
When we do these together, we don't run much of it - more a vigorous walk. Even when I do these solo, I can't run 5 miles any more - my legs just won't let me train consistently enough to do that. So I run when I can and walk when I have to. Still tons of fun, even when people pass you.
This is the cliffhanger.

This is Mud Mile 2.0 - although, I think ours had deeper trenches between the humps.

This is Blockness monster - my favorite. My challenge on that one was - it was really deep, like neck level for a normal height person. So, I couldn't stand in it - I had to swim the whole time and I had to be pushed over by other people, since I couldn't stand on the bottom and push with them, and then jump. But I was able to help once I flipped to the other side by using my weight to pull the thing down.
In case anyone was worried, we survived the half Tough Mudder. I fell off one of the obstacles (almost scaled that bugger too - I was ticked off!), and bailed out of two other ones I fell short on strength for, but did the other ten just fine. Huge thanks to all my trainers, including @gpseymour , my yoga, Zumba, and POUND instructors - I would not have survived this without everything they'd taught me and all the training they'd put me through. Fact - a person with a big tush is an invaluable asset in obstacles like Mud Mile 2.0 and Block Ness Monster. Once you sling them over the high parts, they help pull other people over just by dangling off the other side and serving as a counterweight. So, if you ever do this, have a big-butted person on your team.

Well done
Ah the Block Ness Monster does look like alot of fun! :D
That's where I get my workout for the day. That thing is heavy. It took about 7 of us to get it moving from a stop- you have to reach low and lift, then press up. I stay on that side a while and help turn it 8-10 times, then take a ride over. On the other side, I can jump up and to a pull-up to add my weight to each turn. Another 8-10, then move to the next block. There are 3 blocks in the obstacle. I'm feeling that one this morning.
So, this is Happy Ending. This is the one I fell off of. Most Tough Mudder obstacles cannot be done solo, unless you are a total fitness mutant. For happy ending, multiple people make up the ladders up the slope, help pull up other people, and then the people who make it to the top help pull up the people who make up the ladders. Well, the unwritten rule - as with everything else Tough Mudder - if you are helping out, you don't leave an obstacle until someone comes to take your place.

What happened to me was - I was between two "ladders" and they did an admirable job hauling my heavy *** up, I almost made it to the top, but people who were there before, left without waiting for anyone to step in for them. So, I was like two feet from the top and STUCK. I was on my knees on that slippery-*** slope, my legs shaking, a "ladder" person holding my arms on each side, and unable to move either here or there. And then someone down below buckled, and we had an avalanche. I went down that slippery, wet, completely smooth slope at Mach 1.0 (I think I heard the sonic boom), scraped my shins, knees, hips, and ribs on that plank the "ladders" stand on, and went into the pool below at full submersion. Ow.

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