Last Poster #6

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Even before the riots, I've been very bluntly and honestly fighting a lot of depression and grief and emotional exhaustion from dealing with everything. Now, with the riots -- moved to tears several times, frustrated, rage and anger... In short, when I get a bit of time, I really need to deal with my mental health. Of course, I need a 26 hour day to find that time... so I continue.
Oh man.. am so sorry to hear.. thank you for being honest about it. Please look after yourself and take some time to nourish your soul with things that bring you joy and light up your heart. You are worth that time
Also faced some really intense stuff recently.. must be in the air! Not related to the events of the world but it was a rough couple of weeks... came out of nowhere and was rather disorienting.. lots of intense sadness, anger, the works.. feels like I've worked through alot of it and feel great relief.. like a balloon that's let out all its air
I'm disgusted. Just read about the riots in Boston, my home town. So I called some of the cops I trained there who I was pretty sure were working tonight. They were. They all told me the same thing.

The looters were privileged young white kids who came in from outside the city to loot and burn. And only to loot and burn.

I'll bet you my eye teeth these kids don't care about George Floyd. I'll bet most don't even know the poor man's name. They're entitled little ships who are no more than incendiary little provocatuers. They don't care about racism, inequality or black lives, or white lives for that matter.

I can't possibly tell you what I wish for them, as well as I wish for their parents even more so - because if I did I'm quite sure I'd get banned from our sight.
Sometimes thing are not just about practically getting something done, but have a broader context.

This ain't about a trashcan.
well clearly, but people commonly make their life far more complicated/frustrating on matters of principle

in a work environment, if there a task that i consider essential and my sub ornate has a history of being unreliable, then delegating the task to him and then getting worked up about the inevitable failure is bad management

the answer to which is to get rid of them, not feasible if its your son, or train them to actually do as they are asked with less essential tasks, known a development programme

in fact give them a whole load of things you couldn't care less about, ignore the failures and praise them to heaven for any thing they do manage to do, no matter how late or or half arsed it is

this is much how i train both dogs and people to do my bidding, sett up a circle of positive
reinforcement and they become addicted to the appreciation and start to look for things to do to earn more

once it becomes a battle of wills and both sides are dug in, then you loose control of events it just gets worse and worse
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I'm disgusted. Just read about the riots in Boston, my home town. So I called some of the cops I trained there who I was pretty sure were working tonight. They were. They all told me the same thing.

The looters were privileged young white kids who came in from outside the city to loot and burn. And only to loot and burn.

I'll bet you my eye teeth these kids don't care about George Floyd. I'll bet most don't even know the poor man's name. They're entitled little ships who are no more than incendiary little provocateurs. They don't care about racism, inequality or black lives, or white lives for that matter.

I can't possibly tell you what I wish for them, as well as I wish for their parents even more so - because if I did I'm quite sure I'd get banned from our sight.

Oh, you mean the 4Chan INCEL population?
Oh, they are out there to stoke the flames! Otherwise, they fly under the radar under the guise of respectability! It's their racism that is so damaging. It's so nice! It's not flag swinging, and hitler saluting. It's like a fungus, suddenly it's there!
The year 2020 sounded so futuristic a couple years ago. But, now? What a mess.
I've had facial hair of some sort since I was 19-20. A mustache at the very least. And I've had the goatee for at least 20 years. Only time anyone saw me without it was when chemo made it all fall out. Grew back darker. I was blond all my life, now it's a light brown.
Mine is growing in lighter than it used to be, when I let the stubble grow back out. I think I've got whatever my grandfather had, and my father has. Whatever it is, it makes beards lighter over time, and seems to kick in somewhere after several decades of being dormant. Scary stuff.
Mine is growing in lighter than it used to be, when I let the stubble grow back out. I think I've got whatever my grandfather had, and my father has. Whatever it is, it makes beards lighter over time, and seems to kick in somewhere after several decades of being dormant. Scary stuff.
Like, white blond?
I did a thing!

Haha.. entered an iso version of a rollerblading competition, was such an amazing thing to be a part of! Decided last minute... "hellz yeah let's do this!!!"

It's a worldwide comp with different categories, and basically you had to record a vid (30s max, I went only a tad bit over haha) of being creative with blades with what you've got during isolation. So anything at home, or street clips, but no skateparks as they were closed up during restrictions.

Really great experience, spent about two hours on a VERY windy day, was hard work and was exhausted but had so much fun. It rekindled my love for blading for sure!

Getting good camera angles is also something I didn't even think of but had to consider!

Entered the non-grind and the grind categories, there was NOT alot of option where I was for grinding haha so made do with what I had (my home-constructed rail was.... a complete flop XD )

I don't think I'll win (there were some INCREDIBLE entries...), but did it to push myself and for the challenge of it, to try some things I've never attempted, and was alot of fun.

Cut, teddered, raked, and rolled 237 rolls of hay since Saturday. Had a bearing go out yesterday that caught hay residue inside the baler on fire. Luckily I was able to eject the bale and get the burn out before it really got going. Found a couple of other questionable bearings so we worked on the baler until about 7:00 last night. I have to re-splice a belt and will hopefully finish up baling today. Rain is on the way for tomorrow and I have about 70-80 more rolls to bale. Gotta get it going.
Cut, teddered, raked, and rolled 237 rolls of hay since Saturday. Had a bearing go out yesterday that caught hay residue inside the baler on fire. Luckily I was able to eject the bale and get the burn out before it really got going. Found a couple of other questionable bearings so we worked on the baler until about 7:00 last night. I have to re-splice a belt and will hopefully finish up baling today. Rain is on the way for tomorrow and I have about 70-80 more rolls to bale. Gotta get it going.
oh, wow, fun day there.
I did a thing!

Haha.. entered an iso version of a rollerblading competition, was such an amazing thing to be a part of! Decided last minute... "hellz yeah let's do this!!!"

It's a worldwide comp with different categories, and basically you had to record a vid (30s max, I went only a tad bit over haha) of being creative with blades with what you've got during isolation. So anything at home, or street clips, but no skateparks as they were closed up during restrictions.

Really great experience, spent about two hours on a VERY windy day, was hard work and was exhausted but had so much fun. It rekindled my love for blading for sure!

Getting good camera angles is also something I didn't even think of but had to consider!

Entered the non-grind and the grind categories, there was NOT alot of option where I was for grinding haha so made do with what I had (my home-constructed rail was.... a complete flop XD )

I don't think I'll win (there were some INCREDIBLE entries...), but did it to push myself and for the challenge of it, to try some things I've never attempted, and was alot of fun.

Well done. Looks like fun.
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