Last Poster #6

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Had a semi meltdown today.
I am not proud of it.
It happens, not anything to be proud of I guess, but also not anything to be upset about. The important thing is to know why you had it, and if it's something that needs fixing (and can be fixed), work on it. Or just figure out who you can melt down to and use them as support when you need.
I am fine now.
Mundane things like not getting the trash can emptied....
In holiday weeks, they come a day later.
But you can't tell if they come at 6AM or PM.
Would have been fine if the kid had put the can on the road when I told him....but noooooo. He always makes me beg and threaten....

So I blew my top, spend an hour playing Pokemon on my Switch, and went to the store.

So the can is still full, but I am no longer furious.
if it was that important you should have done it yourself, i generally find that to be less trouble than arguing with far greater reliability for crucial things like trash disposal that only take a few seconds anyway

if you going to get into a battle of wills with him, do it over things that dont have an absolute deadline, like cutting grass or washing cars etal
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I am fine now.
Mundane things like not getting the trash can emptied....
In holiday weeks, they come a day later.
But you can't tell if they come at 6AM or PM.
Would have been fine if the kid had put the can on the road when I told him....but noooooo. He always makes me beg and threaten....

So I blew my top, spend an hour playing Pokemon on my Switch, and went to the store.

So the can is still full, but I am no longer furious.
Ah glad you're okay. Ahh yes trash issues are not fun!

I have recently been considering bringin out the ol Pokemon actually! The latest one that I have is..... Pokemon Silver.... on the game boy colour....... yes iiiii knoooow... I'm waaaaaay too behind..
........... I just found out Sensei Rick Hotton (an instructor I very much resonate with in everything he is and teaches) is doing an online seminar (hosted by the HDKI, a paid one albeit not expensive at all) on the 13th of June.... I honesty cannot express how excited I am... just booked my place!

Will be another midnight session but I do not care, nothing will stop me from attending!!!

... I should not have stumbled upon this at 11:30pm though... I will not sleep....

Ah glad you're okay. Ahh yes trash issues are not fun!

I have recently been considering bringin out the ol Pokemon actually! The latest one that I have is..... Pokemon Silver.... on the game boy colour....... yes iiiii knoooow... I'm waaaaaay too behind..
the Switch editions are interesting, but lacking in many aspects.
I got it for Christmas though.
I enjoyed Saphire. I am missing one of the last generation DS ones, but my DS is AWOL as well.
if it was that important you should have done it yourself, i generally find that to be less trouble than arguing with far greater reliability for crucial things like trash disposal that only take a few seconds anyway

if you going to get into a battle of wills with him, do it over things that dont have an absolute deadline, like cutting grass or washing cars etal
I don't live alone in this house, I should not have to 'do it myself'
At one point he wants to move out, either with roommates, or a GF....he'll have to learn!
Alas, while I was mad at him, I did not yell at him for that.
Anything specific, or just "stuff these days"?

I've actually been alternating between chipper and grouchy, sometimes within the same hour. No meltdown yet, but I'm not convinced one's not coming.

Minor thing, but it could have been avoided.
It's ok now, the garbage will run again on Thursday
I am still not happy about it, but it's ok.
I don't live alone in this house, I should not have to 'do it myself'
At one point he wants to move out, either with roommates, or a GF....he'll have to learn!
Alas, while I was mad at him, I did not yell at him for that.
well as a result of your principles you had a melt down and still had a full can, how did that work out ?

im am, so ive been told one of the laziest people on earth, as a result of this predisposition, i do the easiest thing that gets it done, if that doing it myself as apposed to begging and threatening, that what i do, coz its easier, quicker and more reliable, whats not to like
well as a result of your principles you had a melt down and still had a full can, how did that work out ?

im am, so ive been told one of the laziest people on earth, as a result of this predisposition, i do the easiest thing that gets it done, if that doing it myself as apposed to begging and threatening, that what i do, coz its easier, quicker and more reliable, whats not to like

Failure to launch.
The guy remedy: Do a lousy job, and she won't ever make you do it again.
Nope. The kid's gotta learn.

So the can is full. It's not the first time, won't be the last.
I am one scary person when I am on a rampage, so he got to see this, although from the safety of his room, so maybe he learned (he is getting better at it)

I have enough to do without help.
So why adding to my workload?
Yes, sometimes you gotta threaten the spawns to step up. I am not the bloody maid in this house.
Failure to launch.
The guy remedy: Do a lousy job, and she won't ever make you do it again.
Nope. The kid's gotta learn.

So the can is full. It's not the first time, won't be the last.
I am one scary person when I am on a rampage, so he got to see this, although from the safety of his room, so maybe he learned (he is getting better at it)

I have enough to do without help.
So why adding to my workload?
Yes, sometimes you gotta threaten the spawns to step up. I am not the bloody maid in this house.
well not to labour the point, if you have enough to do, then why waste what seems to be a fair amount of time, begging to have your can taken out and sulking about it later, when you could have done the whole thing in 30 seconds and got on with your life
well not to labour the point, if you have enough to do, then why waste what seems to be a fair amount of time, begging to have your can taken out and sulking about it later, when you could have done the whole thing in 30 seconds and got on with your life
So that the next five times she has enough to do, the kid steps up and does it on his own.
well not to labour the point, if you have enough to do, then why waste what seems to be a fair amount of time, begging to have your can taken out and sulking about it later, when you could have done the whole thing in 30 seconds and got on with your life
as I said: I am not the bloody maid!
Some things I should not have to even remind people of.
the Switch editions are interesting, but lacking in many aspects.
I got it for Christmas though.
I enjoyed Saphire. I am missing one of the last generation DS ones, but my DS is AWOL as well.
Ah nice! Yeah I've heard each new version has just essentially been the same thing, with more Pokemon, but I guess that's what the game is about haha. But I think I heard the newest 3D ones were actually something really innovative and different..
well not to labour the point, if you have enough to do, then why waste what seems to be a fair amount of time, begging to have your can taken out and sulking about it later, when you could have done the whole thing in 30 seconds and got on with your life
Sometimes thing are not just about practically getting something done, but have a broader context.

This ain't about a trashcan.
Anything specific, or just "stuff these days"?

I've actually been alternating between chipper and grouchy, sometimes within the same hour. No meltdown yet, but I'm not convinced one's not coming.
Even before the riots, I've been very bluntly and honestly fighting a lot of depression and grief and emotional exhaustion from dealing with everything. Now, with the riots -- moved to tears several times, frustrated, rage and anger... In short, when I get a bit of time, I really need to deal with my mental health. Of course, I need a 26 hour day to find that time... so I continue.
I hadn't shaved mine in 15+ years. The Hobbit had literally never seen me without it.

I've had facial hair of some sort since I was 19-20. A mustache at the very least. And I've had the goatee for at least 20 years. Only time anyone saw me without it was when chemo made it all fall out. Grew back darker. I was blond all my life, now it's a light brown.
Even before the riots, I've been very bluntly and honestly fighting a lot of depression and grief and emotional exhaustion from dealing with everything. Now, with the riots -- moved to tears several times, frustrated, rage and anger... In short, when I get a bit of time, I really need to deal with my mental health. Of course, I need a 26 hour day to find that time... so I continue.
Oh my!
These are trying times, and we have to stay abreast of the pitfalls.
I hope you find safe ways to take the edge off (I hear bibble baths and chocolates do wonders)
We are reaching a boiling point as a nation, and 'Interesting Times' wasn't what I signed up for either.
I suggest collecting dolls and crafting outfits....a little less demanding than needlepoint.
(yes, you are allowed to fancy fashion dolls! There are some really cool ones out! Pricey, but WOW! Integrity Toys...GI Joes are acceptable, naturally)
We have to do what we can: Staying off FB (did it today, YEAH!!) or smashing flowerpots.

Hang in there
(you could join me in World of Warcraft, killing stuff!)
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