Trying to compete with Captain Picard?
Not trying to compete, trying to recreate. But not Picard, but rather Walter White from Breaking Bad.

It's for a Thank You card I'm making for one of my best friends back east, who sent me the DVD set of the entire series. I had never seen Breaking Bad, but I agree with the critics that is was the best drama in tv history.
So....I shaved my head, grew a goatee, already bought the hat, the glasses in the top photo are supposed to be here by Monday, I bought beard/moustache dye and already tried that out, works great. Got a little scare when I tried to wash it out, though, even though it says it will wash off fairly easy in the shower. Took a half hour of serious soapy scrubbing with a brush.
And I'm ordering that shirt today online. A buddy from work is a photographer, he'll come up when I'm ready to go and take photos with the proper lighting to recreate those two photos.
And then I'll make the card, which will be an eight page card. Each page will have a pic of one of the characters and my accompanying review of their performance.
The last page will be my photos and I'll say that "I couldn't identify with the character of Walter White."
My friends and I have been doing stuff like this since our twenties.