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Trying to compete with Captain Picard?

Not trying to compete, trying to recreate. But not Picard, but rather Walter White from Breaking Bad.


It's for a Thank You card I'm making for one of my best friends back east, who sent me the DVD set of the entire series. I had never seen Breaking Bad, but I agree with the critics that is was the best drama in tv history.

So....I shaved my head, grew a goatee, already bought the hat, the glasses in the top photo are supposed to be here by Monday, I bought beard/moustache dye and already tried that out, works great. Got a little scare when I tried to wash it out, though, even though it says it will wash off fairly easy in the shower. Took a half hour of serious soapy scrubbing with a brush.

And I'm ordering that shirt today online. A buddy from work is a photographer, he'll come up when I'm ready to go and take photos with the proper lighting to recreate those two photos.

And then I'll make the card, which will be an eight page card. Each page will have a pic of one of the characters and my accompanying review of their performance.

The last page will be my photos and I'll say that "I couldn't identify with the character of Walter White."

My friends and I have been doing stuff like this since our twenties.
What sort of a pattern? I don't really know English sewing or knitting terminology.
well, it is a knitting pattern.
I am sure I can cobble the english meaning together (it's straight up, so no complicated increases or decreases) and no fancy stitchery, just color changes.

But sometimes the devil is in the detail!
Everyone is crying about being isolated and being bored and lonely.....I don't get it because I'm enjoying the heck out of this
I've also been enjoying this time too Xue, not in a denial of others' pain sorta way, but just how it has impacted me. It's been very nice for me and I've been reconnecting with myself so to speak. And been a really nice time to slow down, re-evaluate what I value in life and want to spend my attention, and take aLOT of pressure off myself.

But yeah, guess it depends on the person how they've been impacted by it. But I'm the same as you in this.
You know...this rule about not being able to call a fraud a fraud is a load of crap. I can't take much more of our current charlatan who is really bad at what he is doing. Claims to have lived in a country his entire life....can't even read or speak the language.....posts at times that shows he has no idea what time it is where he claims to be....makes additional accounts to claim to he his student to perpetrate his fraud...tells Wuxia stories that are ridiculous about his life....but that is FREAKING is not against the rules.....but out and out proving he is a fraud and calling him a fraud is wrong....if this is what MT has become....I want no part of it
You know...this rule about not being able to call a fraud a fraud is a load of crap. I can't take much more of our current charlatan who is really bad at what he is doing. Claims to have lived in a country his entire life....can't even read or speak the language.....posts at times that shows he has no idea what time it is where he claims to be....makes additional accounts to claim to he his student to perpetrate his fraud...tells Wuxia stories that are ridiculous about his life....but that is FREAKING is not against the rules.....but out and out proving he is a fraud and calling him a fraud is wrong....if this is what MT has become....I want no part of it
Have been following the thread Xue, and honestly, I can't see him lasting long at all. Seems others have cottoned onto it as well, and apparently he was even banned from another forum for trolling.

I know it's frustrating when you take something seriously and someone almost makes a mockery of it by their pretense and claims, but honestly he's only making a mockery of himself if that's the case.

Just another passing poster phase I believe :)
Have been following the thread Xue, and honestly, I can't see him lasting long at all. Seems others have cottoned onto it as well, and apparently he was even banned from another forum for trolling.

I know it's frustrating when you take something seriously and someone almost makes a mockery of it by their pretense and claims, but honestly he's only making a mockery of himself if that's the case.

Just another passing poster phase I believe :)

Yup, I was there in that thread too
I am beginning to really understand why @Don Roley left and what made @Dale Dugas got so angry and left too....freaking fakes and charlatans being allowed to post their wuxia crap, you can't call them what they are and go unpunished for propagating their ridiculousness and giving people reason to believe TMA is horrible and how fake.....and if these twits are an example of what Traditional MArtial arts is.... I also now understand why my Taiji shifu retired and stopped seriously teaching and why the Chen folks that do seminars don't take most of the participants seriously....maybe the whole damn thing deserves to die if these fake fools are allowed to freely post their garbage
well, it is a knitting pattern.
I am sure I can cobble the english meaning together (it's straight up, so no complicated increases or decreases) and no fancy stitchery, just color changes.

But sometimes the devil is in the detail!
Just replied. It actually wasn't too bad - I hope it makes sense.
You know...this rule about not being able to call a fraud a fraud is a load of crap. I can't take much more of our current charlatan who is really bad at what he is doing. Claims to have lived in a country his entire life....can't even read or speak the language.....posts at times that shows he has no idea what time it is where he claims to be....makes additional accounts to claim to he his student to perpetrate his fraud...tells Wuxia stories that are ridiculous about his life....but that is FREAKING is not against the rules.....but out and out proving he is a fraud and calling him a fraud is wrong....if this is what MT has become....I want no part of it
That's been the rule since the start of the forum..or at least since I joined around 8 years ago. I'm not a fan of it either in situations like this, but it does prevent people going back and forth accusing each other of being frauds forever. Normally the frauds end up doing something that gets them banned, and if there's proof of multiple accounts then that's an autoban.
That's it folks, I can't take the likes of Monk Wong and his ilk any longer.....I leave the CMA section and all things Xingyiquan to his incompetent, untrained and wuxia hands be banned or suspended for my lat post to the fake monk anyways...

Bye...may be back...may not be...may not be allowed.....But if Grandmaster Wong is here....what's the sense...real Chinese martial arts and real martial artist practicing CMA don't matter....mystical Monks and Wuxia are all that matter...and I am pretty certain the mystical monk, who can't speak or read chinese, who claims to be living in Henan...has no idea what Wuxia is either
That's it folks, I can't take the likes of Monk Wong and his ilk any longer.....I leave the CMA section and all things Xingyiquan to his incompetent, untrained and wuxia hands be banned or suspended for my lat post to the fake monk anyways...

Bye...may be back...may not be...may not be allowed.....But if Grandmaster Wong is here....what's the sense...real Chinese martial arts and real martial artist practicing CMA don't matter....mystical Monks and Wuxia are all that matter...and I am pretty certain the mystical monk, who can't speak or read chinese, who claims to be living in Henan...has no idea what Wuxia is either
Nooooo! Don't let one jerk chase you away!
That's it folks, I can't take the likes of Monk Wong and his ilk any longer.....I leave the CMA section and all things Xingyiquan to his incompetent, untrained and wuxia hands be banned or suspended for my lat post to the fake monk anyways...

Bye...may be back...may not be...may not be allowed.....But if Grandmaster Wong is here....what's the sense...real Chinese martial arts and real martial artist practicing CMA don't matter....mystical Monks and Wuxia are all that matter...and I am pretty certain the mystical monk, who can't speak or read chinese, who claims to be living in Henan...has no idea what Wuxia is either
have a red bean bun!
and tea
and hit something
as long as you come HERE!
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