Last Poster #6

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I’m not sure what a Purple Heart bo is. Not a clue.

Its the type of wood used. The wood has a purplish color and is prized in for its hardness and strength. They typically are much more expensive then normal bo's.

This is one of the 4 his sensei had that he keeps in his office that no one was allowed to use. So my wife was shocked when he went and got it. Then when he told him it used to belong to his Sensei (passed away 2 years ago) really brought home how much it meant.

Jacob's been training under with his Sensei for 9 years and also trained with his Sensei's Sensei a couple years before he passed away, so it meant alot to Jacob as well.
One week. Looking at obstacles. Ours is the list labeled "Half". If you want to know what they are, google "Tough mudder" and the name of the obstacle.
One week. Looking at obstacles. Ours is the list labeled "Half". If you want to know what they are, google "Tough mudder" and the name of the obstacle.
The Hobbit is much more organized in her pursuit of these things. She wants to prepare and have a plan. I just show up and see what they throw at me.
The Hobbit is much more organized in her pursuit of these things. She wants to prepare and have a plan. I just show up and see what they throw at me.
That's because the Hobbit is physically deficient in a variety of ways and wants to know just how many times she'll get to amuse the public during these events.
That's because the Hobbit is physically deficient in a variety of ways and wants to know just how many times she'll get to amuse the public during these events.
I think it's less that and more that the Hobbit is much more organized in her approach to things.

But yeah, she's short, too. :p
I flew out of Oslo Airport in Norway.....everyone spoke english...and multiple other languages as well. Also when I was in Narita airport I had no problem speaking english. I also flew out of LAX I had to talk a TSA guy down from tackling me and wrestling me to the ground because I was wearing a rigid knee brace and set off the metal detector. He just kept yelling at me to freeze, stand still, don't move. I had to scratch my arm and I though he was going to jump me. I truly believe if he was armed he would have pulled his side arm out. However english is not as prevalent in LAX as it was in Oslo or Narita. Beijing however, speaking only English could be a problem

I had clicked "like" on this post. Or thought I did. Somehow clicked dislike instead. Just corrected it.

And I clicked like because I spend at least thirty hours a week standing at a TSA checkpoint. The TSA folks who work here are really chill, ninety five percent of them anyway, way more chill than I would be in their shoes putting up with some of the folks they put up with.

Having just traveled twelve thousand miles I really relate with Xue's post. Just wanted to clear up any confusion.
I had clicked "like" on this post. Or thought I did. Somehow clicked dislike instead. Just corrected it.

And I clicked like because I spend at least thirty hours a week standing at a TSA checkpoint. The TSA folks who work here are really chill, ninety five percent of them anyway, way more chill than I would be in their shoes putting up with some of the folks they put up with.

Having just traveled twelve thousand miles I really relate with Xue's post. Just wanted to clear up any confusion.

Most TSA I have dealt with over the years are pretty chill. But with that guy, you'd have thought I was a highly dangerous, wanted felon/axe murderer/midnight bomber what bombs at midnight...who just happened to be traveling with his Chinese wife and 6 year old daughter.
You know enough of the alphabet to make it out. :p
Barely. If I hadn't already known the phrase, I'd have sounded like Picard in that scene with the people. (Don't worry folks, she actually understands that kind of vague reference - and is used to it.)
Yeah, im officially going to give this site a break for now. Not sure how long thatll be, maybe a week, maybe a month, maybe more. Ive got it emailing me if i get a message, so send something to my inbox if anyone wants to get in contact with me.
Most TSA I have dealt with over the years are pretty chill. But with that guy, you'd have thought I was a highly dangerous, wanted felon/axe murderer/midnight bomber what bombs at midnight...who just happened to be traveling with his Chinese wife and 6 year old daughter.

The TSA may well be the single biggest waste of tax dollars in recent memory.
Yeah, im officially going to give this site a break for now. Not sure how long thatll be, maybe a week, maybe a month, maybe more. Ive got it emailing me if i get a message, so send something to my inbox if anyone wants to get in contact with me.
Completely understand kempodisciple. You gotta do what you gotta do! We'll miss your contributions for your time away, know that we're always here for a chat :). Enjoy your time away bro
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