Last Poster #6

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Im debating giving this forum a break for a while. Too much bickering, which normally I'm fine with, but now it seems people are attacking each other as individuals, and being vicious/mean about it. And making passive-aggressive/snide comments about each other in unrelated threads. Not sure if I'll take the break or not, but it may help me.

Well, be that way then!
And you are just one big mean poopy head!

In other words, hang with us here, grab a few new recipes, and a few more obscure Russian and Ukrainian authors.....
That guy was incredibly apologetic for days afterwards and was extremely calm in his dealings with IT for the next 2 years, at least when I was in the office, until he retired.

We had another one, different user, but sadly I am not the on that dealt with him. He called because his computer, which was a piece of (expletive) was not working. When the tech got there he noticed that the guys office was re-arranged. He has rearranged his own office and moved his computer and desk. When the tech looked at it he asked "did you plug your computer in?" to which the user responded "Of course I did..see its plugged into the power strip" To which the tech said..."You mean this power strip right here....that you also plugged itself"

The guy plugged everything into the power strip, including the power strip
Oh dear... I think it would have been ok to beat him with the power strip and then shove it in his... somewhere...
Im debating giving this forum a break for a while. Too much bickering, which normally I'm fine with, but now it seems people are attacking each other as individuals, and being vicious/mean about it. And making passive-aggressive/snide comments about each other in unrelated threads. Not sure if I'll take the break or not, but it may help me.

Attacking an individual is much easier than attacking a group ;)

Taking a break may help, but it depends what you need help with...

Sometimes it doesn't help much though - I took a break from an entirely unrelated forum that I'd been very active on for years - got banned within a week of going back :banghead:

Never mind eh, it's only the internet. Nothing is real here anyway...
Just don't stick the e-cigs in your pocket.
Seems like they have the tendency to explode.
Yes, I know I threw them all in one pot.

.... *giggles* this feels like a bugs bunny cartoon.....
That guy was incredibly apologetic for days afterwards and was extremely calm in his dealings with IT for the next 2 years, at least when I was in the office, until he retired.

We had another one, different user, but sadly I am not the on that dealt with him. He called because his computer, which was a piece of (expletive) was not working. When the tech got there he noticed that the guys office was re-arranged. He has rearranged his own office and moved his computer and desk. When the tech looked at it he asked "did you plug your computer in?" to which the user responded "Of course I did..see its plugged into the power strip" To which the tech said..."You mean this power strip right here....that you also plugged itself"

The guy plugged everything into the power strip, including the power strip
On Wednesday I actually watched a guy plug one side of a training table into the other, then take the cord from the second side and plug it back into the first. I figured he was hoping for some kind of induction loop.
In other words, hang with us here, grab a few new recipes, and a few more obscure Russian and Ukrainian authors.....
Nikolai Gogol, Vladimir Korolenko, Vladimir Odoyevsky, Nikolai Leskov, Antony Pogorelsky, Alexander Belyaev, Alexander Grin, Alexander Kuprin, Panas Myrny, Marko Vovchok, Ivan Franko, Kotsubinsky... I am sure I am leaving someone out. Oh! Ilya Ilf and Eugene Petrov! :)
I had a guy come to my desk furious, obnoxious and incredibly rude while screaming about the computer for his new staff member not being set up after he followed all the procedures to get it set up on time and she was here and could not work because the entire IT staff was manned by (expletive) idiots who were so (expletive) incompetent they should all be (expletive) fired. I calmly told him I set up the PC before I left the night before and then I calmly asked him to come with me and we walked back down to his office and his new staff member...he mumbling grumbling and occasionally swearing all the way...... I turned on the monitor...that was the only problem. Help the new person log in and then calmly asked him to come with me....we went back to my office......where I read him the riot act and informed him that I would be talking to the CIO as soon as he left my office....

I think you handled that mightily well :), good on you

When the tech looked at it he asked "did you plug your computer in?" to which the user responded "Of course I did..see its plugged into the power strip" To which the tech said..."You mean this power strip right here....that you also plugged itself"

The guy plugged everything into the power strip, including the power strip

That.... is...... priceless!!!
Im debating giving this forum a break for a while. Too much bickering, which normally I'm fine with, but now it seems people are attacking each other as individuals, and being vicious/mean about it. And making passive-aggressive/snide comments about each other in unrelated threads. Not sure if I'll take the break or not, but it may help me.
I’ve had times when I came close. Then I’d have a good-natured row with someone that reminds me how much I like some of the guys I argue with on here.
Im debating giving this forum a break for a while. Too much bickering, which normally I'm fine with, but now it seems people are attacking each other as individuals, and being vicious/mean about it. And making passive-aggressive/snide comments about each other in unrelated threads. Not sure if I'll take the break or not, but it may help me.

Ah I know the feeling... yeah I get a little tired of the attacks and arrogance behind it. It's very easy to sit at a distance in a forum and judge others to prop oneself up, I try to stick to the friendlier threads which have healthy, supportive conversation. But some people need pulling up at times...

Up to you of course, we'd certainly miss ya!
On Wednesday I actually watched a guy plug one side of a training table into the other, then take the cord from the second side and plug it back into the first. I figured he was hoping for some kind of induction loop.

It's a modern perpetual motion generator.

It's like connecting an inverter to a battery, plugging a battery charger into the inverter and using it to charge the battery.

Free electricity!!!
By the way - for people in the otherlands...

If you've not experienced "the IT crowd" TV programme, I highly recommend it.

It must be on some sort of online service...
I think it's pretty uniform across the board.

Along with people coming up to my desk with "why aren't you replying to my emails, I've sent you loads"

Me: "I haven't seen any, what's the problem?"

Them: "I can't send emails"


Oh when the decided to centralize IT across the state and take over e-mail. My e-mail would not work.....guess how you were required to contact them about troubles with your e-mail, I will give you a hint; you were not allowed to call them on the phone
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