We got a call last night about two unaccompanied teens on an incoming flight, one fifteen years old and one sixteen, who disrupted the entire five hour flight, harassing the flight crew, insulting people, throwing stuff, generally being complete ash wholes.
A group of us, standard procedure, met the flight when it landed. I was expecting hard looking teenagers. Two boys, who looked like they were twelve, got off accompanied by the crew. They looked like who you would cast in a movie for stereotypical spoiled brats.
We - five cops, members of the flight crew, and a dozen passengers, escorted them to who would be picking them up, hopefully the parents. Mom got out of her car at curbside, all worried looking at her babies surrounded be police. We informed her of the circumstances. She asked them what happened. They quietly grumbled "nothing".
Mom informed us that her children never lie and she didn't believe any of us. She was what we call here a "whole wheat, nutty crunchy, Planet Maui air head, rich person".
The flight crew asked her how she could think everybody would make this up? She replied that people often "take out their jealousies on nice looking people."
I'm sure these two boys have a brilliant future.