Dude. You're projecting a lot here that just further makes my point . For example, I don't feel bad for
@skribs. He's an adult. I'm sure he's fine.
The comments I have made have been entirely around your seeming inability to see that you were central to his leaving. It's like cutting off your finger and saying later, "I sure do miss that finger. If only it hadn't mysteriously left my hand."
If you think I'm advocating for safe spaces or anything do with words folks use, you're missing the point completely. Rather, I'm just talking about simple cause and effect, and your lack of accountability in it. As in, he said if you kept it up that he would leave. You chose to keep it up. He left. That you miss him without acknowledging your role in his departure is noteworthy.
You're getting frustrated, but remember, I'm just doing for you what you did for