Last Poster #6

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I have a GREAT idea..... If it means bringing peace to the thread and between mods..... I shall make the supreme sacrifice.... I shall take the hit for the mods and my fellow posters in this thread...... just declare me the winner and peace will once again reign in the LPv6 thread
Interesting, kind of pot luck lunch. A Bagel with Hummus, An Avocado, 2 Hard Boiled Eggs, Some Dates, and Yogurt.
Got a call from one of my cousins yesterday. She's in the process of going through a foster to adopt program (you foster a kid with the ultimate goal of adoption...not sure on the details beyond that).

Anyway, apparently one of the requirements for the program is to have someone whom would take care of the child if they're fully adopted, and something happens to the parent/parents. She was calling me to ask if I'd be willing to do that. Pretty nice confidence boost. I talked with my fiancee for a bit and we both agreed.
Got a call from one of my cousins yesterday. She's in the process of going through a foster to adopt program (you foster a kid with the ultimate goal of adoption...not sure on the details beyond that).

Anyway, apparently one of the requirements for the program is to have someone whom would take care of the child if they're fully adopted, and something happens to the parent/parents. She was calling me to ask if I'd be willing to do that. Pretty nice confidence boost. I talked with my fiancee for a bit and we both agreed.
That is pretty neat!
Got a call from one of my cousins yesterday. She's in the process of going through a foster to adopt program (you foster a kid with the ultimate goal of adoption...not sure on the details beyond that).

Anyway, apparently one of the requirements for the program is to have someone whom would take care of the child if they're fully adopted, and something happens to the parent/parents. She was calling me to ask if I'd be willing to do that. Pretty nice confidence boost. I talked with my fiancee for a bit and we both agreed.
That is awesome.
For the first half hour that I was semi-awake today, I thought I had to go to work. When I realized I didn't - yeehaw! I'm off to the gym!
I'll have you know I had a bacon, lettuce and tomato sandwich today.....kinda sorta....but in place of the bacon it had cucumbers, mozzarella and humus.
Um.... while I love cucumbers, mozzarella, and hummus - they do not a bacon sandwich make. It sounds like a delightful vegetable and cheese sandwich, but has nothing to do with a BLT. Let us not stoop to sacrilege here.
Had a major dental surgery yesterday and still dealing with the consequences, including the pain and a low-grade fever, which I always get after even a minor medical intervention. Frustrated, because it kept me from going belly dancing. Boo....
Had a major dental surgery yesterday and still dealing with the consequences, including the pain and a low-grade fever, which I always get after even a minor medical intervention. Frustrated, because it kept me from going belly dancing. Boo....
Ah yikes.... wish you a speedy recovery, hope all went well.
Um.... while I love cucumbers, mozzarella, and hummus - they do not a bacon sandwich make. It sounds like a delightful vegetable and cheese sandwich, but has nothing to do with a BLT. Let us not stoop to sacrilege here.

Agreed sacrilege is bad...therefore stop mentioning is most certainly sacrilege as well as an abomination
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