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Doing ok, it is amazing what ice will do. Hey, at least I did not go start lickng the heavy bag. I was doing a little yard work...apparently it was a little to much
Uh... just a suggestion, but don't lick your heavy bag. It's not gonna taste anything like a scone...
Completed the freecodecamp responsive web design certification course. Now to actually use that to make different websites for practice, while I do their javascript course (which is what I'm actually interested in)
That sounds like some stuff I should dig into. Hoping for a career change, and I always end up working a bit on the technical side no matter what my role, so brushing up on anything technical can't hurt.
It was a typographical error...sheesh....give a weak, defenseless, old man, who can't even walk without a cane, a break will ya......sheesh....picking on the should both be ashamed of yourselves :D
Hey, when you get old and the mind gets bad enough you start licking the heavy bag, folks are going to have to talk to you about it. It's for your own good.
Yes, yes, we are totally ashamed. Now, for the essential question - which flavor heavy bags do you prefer? Strawberry? Lemon? Raspberry-lime?

Good Luck with that! :angelic:

Sure pick on the elderly and infirm..... I'm reporting you to AARP, AOA and ASA....

Hey, when you get old and the mind gets bad enough you start licking the heavy bag, folks are going to have to talk to you about it. It's for your own good.

et tu brute gpseymour
sheesh, kids today....think money grows on trees :D
That sounds like some stuff I should dig into. Hoping for a career change, and I always end up working a bit on the technical side no matter what my role, so brushing up on anything technical can't hurt.
Definitely a useful site. At least for the html stuff, it teaches you everything you need to know to actually make websites (plus a lot of practice beyond what it reaches obviously). It says it takes 300 hours, took me a bit less, but that might be because
A: I already knew a good bit of it, and
B: I wasnt spending as much time on the final projects as i should have-was going for passable rather than professional if that makes sense. Not the smartest way to do things, but i dont have a (graphic) design bone in my body, so I just wanted to make sure i understood the fundamentals.

I would definitely recommend the site though igiyou're considering a change. Plus: its free!
I don't know a lot about a lot of things. But it seems to me that Windows has a lot of similarities to a lot of other things in life.

That if something truly sucks, people will put up with it anyway.....because people be crazy.
Definitely a useful site. At least for the html stuff, it teaches you everything you need to know to actually make websites (plus a lot of practice beyond what it reaches obviously). It says it takes 300 hours, took me a bit less, but that might be because
A: I already knew a good bit of it, and
B: I wasnt spending as much time on the final projects as i should have-was going for passable rather than professional if that makes sense. Not the smartest way to do things, but i dont have a (graphic) design bone in my body, so I just wanted to make sure i understood the fundamentals.

I would definitely recommend the site though igiyou're considering a change. Plus: its free!
Yeah, I like it. I walked through the HTML stuff this afternoon. Haven't played in much HTML in a while, so a good refresher. Up to the CSS stuff now, with which I have only a passing familiarity, so more new learning there.
Yeah, I like it. I walked through the HTML stuff this afternoon. Haven't played in much HTML in a while, so a good refresher. Up to the CSS stuff now, with which I have only a passing familiarity, so more new learning there.
Make sure to use the forums if there’s something that’s even slightly unclear. The cool thing is I used the forums a lot and don’t even have to post anything-someone has already asked my question each time.

And mess around with the css more than just what the task is. You can figure out some cool stuff with that, especially when you reach flex
I guess as long as the machines are not connected to the net, you are golden.
Why is MS doing this?!
I mean, I get it, the move from PC format to tablet/touch screen, but so many changes -even well before that - were not for the better!
Gotta keep that revenue stream coming, eh.
The trick I’ve noticed tech companies doing is
1. Start with a good product
2. Hype up an updated version that’s really much worse than the original
3. Once everyone buys the crap version discontinue/stop support for the original
4. Offer a slightly better version than the crap version to get people excited and continue buying your stuff
5. Repeat step 4 as needed
Make sure to use the forums if there’s something that’s even slightly unclear. The cool thing is I used the forums a lot and don’t even have to post anything-someone has already asked my question each time.

And mess around with the css more than just what the task is. You can figure out some cool stuff with that, especially when you reach flex
OMG, how much do we love stealing free code from forums?! I've done that very thing with VBA - every time I was stuck with something I reasoned someone somewhere had already done it, and most times I was right.
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