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what was the last acceptable version?
I am hanging on to 7 on my old machine, while I miss some of the features on Vista (like a good media player, and a simple video maker.
hubby hands me a 'drink' and I put the Yoga down next to me on the couch, and it slipped down on the floor,
It wrecked the only USB A port on that thing, now the mouse doesn't work anymore.
the rest is just fine, but Hubby is upset. (we got warranty on it. but this sucks for such a minor thing!)
Ever since the knee surgery and the time at home I have really gotten into an afternoon cup of much that it just is not right if I don't have has become a must for after was occasionally, but now....its almost an addiction...
Got a new phone today. My old one has Been cracked for a while... also I lost it and still can't find it.
Ever since the knee surgery and the time at home I have really gotten into an afternoon cup of much that it just is not right if I don't have has become a must for after was occasionally, but now....its almost an addiction...
I can get behind that!
We had an English Au Paire one time. We always had tea, and chips (not the brittish kind, the crunchy stuff!) or something else. And her friend would drop by some times.
She was pretty awesome!
hubby hands me a 'drink' and I put the Yoga down next to me on the couch, and it slipped down on the floor,
It wrecked the only USB A port on that thing, now the mouse doesn't work anymore.
the rest is just fine, but Hubby is upset. (we got warranty on it. but this sucks for such a minor thing!)
Ugh... Murphy's Law in action.
Ugh... Murphy's Law in action.
well, we put a claim in today.
So far so good, not like the Walmart crap that covers you up until you need it, or makes you jump through hoops, and still deny it.
I mean, dang! it hit the connector from the mouse just right, and it pushed the port in.
I am just glad I don't have anything on there outside of Stardew Valley. And I can replay that.
I mean, when the one USB A port is do I back stuff up?!
(I don't do 'the cloud' much)
Malwarebytes is one of my go to tools and I am very happy with it.
HitmanPro is free, but I would go with the version that you pay for
TrendMicro is also good
F-Secure is also good, however it is scan heavy and it will slow down your boot time

I tend to always run a minimum of 2, sometime 3 on my home PCs (Mac included) and when there is a virus issue at work or home, I could be running as many a 5 on the PC.

Things to consider, some security systems do not play well others and some will not install if another is present. The first 3 I listed do run together, but I don't know about F-Secure, I have not run it in years.
Do you have an idea how they play with Avast (the free version?)
A lot of these things today (not all) will tell you during install that it will not run with a currently installed program.
I would like to know before I put money down though.
Then again, Avast is free (the version I use,) so no loss there.
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