Last Poster #6

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I am going crazy here.... I want to do taijiquan...I want to do push hands....I want to go for a freaking walk..... I can't do any of it.....
hmmm....thought I'd feel better if I typed that out and put it out there...... I don't....still going crazy

Nope, not showing the youngest, I'd be a nervous wreck.... and now Mrs Xue is golng to mow the lawn with the tractor, but not empty the bags of grass..... I'm supposed to do that :rolleyes:
so much for equality....
I'd come do it for you, but 27.000 miles is a long way to travel for a lawn job...
due to the knee surgery I cannot do any of the yard work I normally do. Mrs Xue is doing some of it.....but now, she wants to clear cut our property because the trees are messy.......we're not cutting anything by the way.....I can hardly wait for the weekend...she has decided that she will get on the tractor and mow the lawn....that she thinks only takes 15 minutes to takes a 1.5 hours if the grass is short...up to 3 or 4 if it is as high as it is after I show her how to run the tractor.......

I'm calling folks today to see if someone can mow my lawn for a couple weeks.......
Of course you're not cutting trees... What would you hit?
so much for equality....
I'd come do it for you, but 27.000 miles is a long way to travel for a lawn job...
Which is a shame, really, because I would love to come along and bring some porshch, pelmeni, potato salad, and pirozhki, but, like you said.... 27,000 miles...
Which is a shame, really, because I would love to come along and bring some porshch, pelmeni, potato salad, and pirozhki, but, like you said.... 27,000 miles...
You know, they make these things called "coolers" that serve to keep food fresh while you travel... and driving to Xue would easily include a slight detour... why, you'd likely driver right through my neck of the woods to do it...

Just sayin'...
Which is a shame, really, because I would love to come along and bring some porshch, pelmeni, potato salad, and pirozhki, but, like you said.... 27,000 miles...
with that picnic basket, I think we could manage.
I'll pick you up, around 9 in the morning?
You know, they make these things called "coolers" that serve to keep food fresh while you travel... and driving to Xue would easily include a slight detour... why, you'd likely driver right through my neck of the woods to do it...

Just sayin'...
Ah, be ready at 9:30 then.
Just picked several big bunches of bananas from the yard. Good thing I'm going down town to shop, I'll drop off a bootload of bananas at the airport.
Just picked several big bunches of bananas from the yard. Good thing I'm going down town to shop, I'll drop off a bootload of bananas at the airport.

I just picked up a bunch of bananas from the store today and drove by an airport earlier today...does that count :D

Years ago I was in Florida staying at my in-laws place (ex-inlaws now) and it was rather cool being able to walk out in the back yard and get oranges off the tree in the morning.
I am going crazy here.... I want to do taijiquan...I want to do push hands....I want to go for a freaking walk..... I can't do any of it.....
hmmm....thought I'd feel better if I typed that out and put it out there...... I don't....still going crazy
I can relate, man. I've never wanted to go for a walk so badly as I did right after I had my foot surgery.
Just picked several big bunches of bananas from the yard. Good thing I'm going down town to shop, I'll drop off a bootload of bananas at the airport.
We sell a lot of free range eggs. Until last year we could sell the smalls and ex-smalls to local restaurants and it was a
win-win because most would spoil otherwise. TDA and FDA stepped in and in usual fashion made it more trouble than it is worth. Either I would have to take candling classes and become certified in egg clarity or pay someone to do it. Guinea eggs are always in demand but they produce a lot of very small eggs that are hard to get rid of. I am in the process of eliminating the Guinea's. We will still have sex-links and reds.
It is easier for me to sell live weight or hoof weight beef than it is to sell eggs to a retailer.
We have apple, pear, and peach trees and black berry bushes which we can still sell the fruit from without the hassles. It is just a matter of time I fear.
In about a month several of our local cub/boy/girl scout troops will be at the farm picking fruits and veggies and learning about farm life. Great fun.
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