Xue Sheng
All weight is underside
I thought at one point you were going back to school, man. Stinks you're in a job you don't enjoy. There are many 2210 series jobs open in the federal government. Not sure what you might qualify for, but might be worth looking on usajobs. 0105 series also has some IT specialists from time to time.
I was back at school, but there was to much going on in life to actually dedicate the time that was needed to it. Also I interviewed for an IT security position that was what I thought I wanted, but after the interview I realized I didn't. Again, at my age with a family, I was not into the 24/7/365 job that could send me to the complete opposite side of the state at any outbreak (PC virus kind of thing) whenever called.
I have over 20 years in the state and leaving now to start over in the same field does not appeal to me at this age, but thank you for the suggestion, I did look into federal positions about 10 years back, but was not up for the move to another state. I am working on an upgrade that will change things if it comes.