the joy of healthcare for profit.
This addiction thing isn't as easy as unaffected people think it is. 'Just Say No' isn't the cure.
Detox is on;y the first step. usually does not work.
There are bad habits to break (and they do play a huge part in addiction) and the real problem to solve.
Be it mental issues (AKA self-medicating) or what have you.
I found that a lot of people who do take drugs (not saying they are addicts) have the veneer of a nice home/upbringing, but oh boy, when you scratch, the poop bubbles over.
And of course, I had to hold my husband's hand through physical withdrawals from legal opioids more than once (Long story for another time, a wonder I didn't kill him!) without being actually addicted. He is weird like this: He used snuff like crazy when we met. fretting when he got down to half a can. He had to have a tooth pulled, and the dentist scared him about 'dry socket' and he quit cold turkey.
He can drink like a fish, and as long as it isn't tequila, he's good. He got on a diet (low carb) and decided he wasn't going to pour those uncounted calories in himself anymore. Not a problem. I am surprised the liquor store has not send the sheriff to see if we are still alive!
Alas, I hate when hospitals don't spend the money where it is needed.
F the facilities, as long as shareholders and CEOs are sitting pretty!
But yeah, addiction is not simple, but going back to where you got addicted in the first place
Thanks for riding it out though.....