Last Poster #6

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Logged in by accident actually and so..while I'm here I had to make an announcement in another section. Will likely be back to regular posting.....You can tell @Buka, he can stop trying to track me down, because he will never find me.....I've been hiding in the bottom of a locked filing cabinet stuck in a disused lavatory with a sign on the door that says 'Beware of the Leopard...and I'm wearing Groucho glasses....oh wait...I just told him were I was...DANG IT!!!! Now I have to find another hiding space.
Glad to see you back, whoever you are.
Logged in by accident actually and so..while I'm here I had to make an announcement in another section. Will likely be back to regular posting.....You can tell @Buka, he can stop trying to track me down, because he will never find me.....I've been hiding in the bottom of a locked filing cabinet stuck in a disused lavatory with a sign on the door that says 'Beware of the Leopard...and I'm wearing Groucho glasses....oh wait...I just told him were I was...DANG IT!!!! Now I have to find another hiding space.
Awesome to have ya back Xue, we've missed ya, hope you're well :)

Oh and you've only really missed more spaaaaammers ugh....
In forty years of teaching, never really had a problem kid. My guess is these kids must be really young.
Aside from the fact this is JUST hilarious (do not eat or drink anything while reading this), it reminded me of a very real incident involving a practical application of such a tactic in martial arts. A very tall, very big gentleman came at me in an attack line with an overhead strike. While it was common knowledge he was just a big teddy bear, you can't fight hundreds of thousands of years of primal instinct "Oh my god, the abominable snowman is about to kill me!" with a few years of acquaintance - whenever I had to face him, my mind wend blank with terror. He was coming at me pretty fast, it was a dedicated attack, so I screeched at him - just to see what was happen (or maybe just out of sheer desperation). He almost fell face down - fully in accordance with the laws of physics, because he was teetering on the balls of his feet. I am now further inspired by Goofus the Peacock to perfect this technique. I specifically want to learn this particular Most Terrifying Honk.
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