Last Poster #6

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Do it while you can, and enjoy what time you can spend together.

I lost my dad almost 2 years ago - and one thought that never crossed my mind was "I should've spent less time with him"...
I'll second that...

My dad passed away about 3 years ago -- and I still don't go a week without wishing I could talk to him one more time.
Much better for the cat to be in the liquor cabinet than either the liquor to be in the cat -- or the cat in the wine cooler...
You know... knowing our cats... there is no telling what they will do. They all do know how to open doors and drawers. Which is a scary thought.
Logged in by accident actually and so..while I'm here I had to make an announcement in another section. Will likely be back to regular posting.....You can tell @Buka, he can stop trying to track me down, because he will never find me.....I've been hiding in the bottom of a locked filing cabinet stuck in a disused lavatory with a sign on the door that says 'Beware of the Leopard...and I'm wearing Groucho glasses....oh wait...I just told him were I was...DANG IT!!!! Now I have to find another hiding space.
Logged in by accident actually and so..while I'm here I had to make an announcement in another section. Will likely be back to regular posting.....You can tell @Buka, he can stop trying to track me down, because he will never find me.....I've been hiding in the bottom of a locked filing cabinet stuck in a disused lavatory with a sign on the door that says 'Beware of the Leopard...and I'm wearing Groucho glasses....oh wait...I just told him were I was...DANG IT!!!! Now I have to find another hiding space.
good to see you anyhow!
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