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In my news:

My new (to me) skates turned up today.

I have no idea what the cool kids call them nowadays, but I'm old, so they're skates for now...

They are fun - love 'em.

Probably my favourite out of skateboard/scooter/skates.

Scooter or board are easier around town though, especially going into a shop...
In my early 30's, on my first visit to Paris, I got around mostly by one of those little Razor scooters. Something like this:


Loved those things.
I think I finally figured out why hitting the heavy bag with my boxing gloves was bothering my right thumb (some arthritis at the base of that digit). It seems I've started turning my hand over a bit on my right hook like an overhand right. Bare-knuckle, it doesn't seem to be a problem (for the thumb - it's still messed up form), but with the glove on, the glove's thumb makes significant contact, which transfers into my thumb.
I got a free beer once with one of those. I was in Savannah, GA for the weekend with the girl I was dating back then (pre-Hobbit). We were riding around on our scooters and stopped at a bar. We were folding them up as we walked in, and a guy called out, "You don't have any hair on your *** if you don't ride it into the bar." We walked out, unfolded them, and rode them right up to the bar and sat next to him, and he bought us both beers.
I got a free beer once with one of those. I was in Savannah, GA for the weekend with the girl I was dating back then (pre-Hobbit). We were riding around on our scooters and stopped at a bar. We were folding them up as we walked in, and a guy called out, "You don't have any hair on your *** if you don't ride it into the bar." We walked out, unfolded them, and rode them right up to the bar and sat next to him, and he bought us both beers.

I'm trying to think what anatomy you would both have that you'd WANT both to have hair on...
Yeah, I'm too young to be retired too old to keep chasing around 18 year olds.

Thankfully I'm not going to be doing any casework I'm just going to be training Police officers mostly. Sadly I've worked a few child sex trafficking cases over the last few years so my first-hand knowledge helped me get the job.
Thank you for your service!
We don't know how ugly life can be, thanks to folks like you.
Ponies crap in bars. That doesn't get you free beer.

There was a guy in town, WAY back when.
He was taking care of one ornery old horse for the Vet. (he was a drink, too)
He one night made a bet in the bar - the fanciest place in the little town - he would bring the old horse inside, second floor.

And he did. Free beer when he brought the horse in, another one after he returned it to the barn!

My own grandpa was known to ride the horse into the pub....So there IS free beer to be had.
(BTW the video is from Chantilly, France, the country's biggest center for race horse training. So the appearance of a horse sans rider in town should not be too weird of a situation!)

There was a guy in town, WAY back when.
He was taking care of one ornery old horse for the Vet. (he was a drink, too)
He one night made a bet in the bar - the fanciest place in the little town - he would bring the old horse inside, second floor.

And he did. Free beer when he brought the horse in, another one after he returned it to the barn!

My own grandpa was known to ride the horse into the pub....So there IS free beer to be had.
(BTW the video is from Chantilly, France, the country's biggest center for race horse training. So the appearance of a horse sans rider in town should not be too weird of a situation!)
I stand corrected.
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