Last Poster #6

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I hate any amount of snow. And we get a lot of it. Not normally any more than about 15-18" (some years we do) at once, and that normally only happens like once a season or so, but normally adds up to over 40 inches or so over the course of the winter. And IT. NEVER. GOES. AWAY. That's the worst part. The weather stays low, so it just doesn't melt. And no rainfall will wash it away, since if it's supposed to rain, it snows instead.
3 inches of snow here and the whole country is brought to a standstill...

12 inches would be a veritable snowmageddon.
In many areas of the southeastern US, it's the same way. And people with 4-wheel-drive vehicles in those areas think that makes them (the driver) capable in the snow.
I hate any amount of snow. And we get a lot of it. Not normally any more than about 15-18" (some years we do) at once, and that normally only happens like once a season or so, but normally adds up to over 40 inches or so over the course of the winter. And IT. NEVER. GOES. AWAY. That's the worst part. The weather stays low, so it just doesn't melt. And no rainfall will wash it away, since if it's supposed to rain, it snows instead.
I think people who live where it snows much are much more likely to grow to hate it. I grew up where snow meant playing outside, missing school, and other good things. Snow down this way never has a chance to get dirty - there's not much less pleasant to look at than those big piles of dirty snow you guys have to deal with.
I think people who live where it snows much are much more likely to grow to hate it. I grew up where snow meant playing outside, missing school, and other good things. Snow down this way never has a chance to get dirty - there's not much less pleasant to look at than those big piles of dirty snow you guys have to deal with.
As a kid I actually enjoyed it. I think sometime in my teen years when it meant shovelling multiple days a week before school, dealing with the cold and not being able to play football for the entire winter months at the park ruined it for me.
3 inches of snow here and the whole country is brought to a standstill...

12 inches would be a veritable snowmageddon.
Depending on where you are 3 inches can be just business as usual. I lived in Rochester, NY for five years, where 3 inches of snow are considered a "dusting". 12 inches might cause concern. Things might start closing if you have a snowfall of 2" per hour for 24 hours. Might.
We quite like it. We get just about the right amount: 1 or 2 decent snowfalls a year (6-12 inches) is normal. Maybe a couple of others under 3 inches. Just enough to enjoy it, without it causing much trouble.
Yeah, but we don't even have snow plows.
Not a one....
And the guys driving the sand trucks turn them on their sides.
The snowman cometh.

Hobbit in the snow.

This is within walking distance of us. I'd photographed this pond I don't know how many times - and I just can't get enough of it.

This waterfall is not that far from us but up a WICKED hill. So, I hope you all appreciate we climbed up there in knee-high snow to take a picture.
EPIC. Love snow....
As a kid I actually enjoyed it. I think sometime in my teen years when it meant shovelling multiple days a week before school, dealing with the cold and not being able to play football for the entire winter months at the park ruined it for me.
That's what I mean. For me, it never got that bothersome. I have to shovel once a year. It's part of my winter exercise regimen. Consistency is key - I never skip that exercise...unless we don't get enough snow.
Yeah, but we don't even have snow plows.
Not a one....
And the guys driving the sand trucks turn them on their sides.
When I was 18, we had a big snow in South Carolina - 18" in 24 hours. After the first foot fell, they sent out the sand trucks. Then the other 6" piled on. The only plows they had were on the sand trucks, and were useless with that amount of snow.
Let me add...its probably a good thing that our friend earned his BB this test......His wife is expecting twins the day after time is gonna be hard to come by for a little
Let me add...its probably a good thing that our friend earned his BB this test......His wife is expecting twins the day after time is gonna be hard to come by for a little
Or the dojang might become the quietest place he can escape to.

For a nap.:D
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