Last Person Thread #4

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You need to get yourself some energy foods! Like coffee or five hour energy or candy or energy drinks or a soda or something else with sugar. Now that will help speed the thinking process :D
You need to get yourself some energy foods! Like coffee or five hour energy or candy or energy drinks or a soda or something else with sugar. Now that will help speed the thinking process :D

The coffee will do nothing for me (use to work 3rd shift, drink coffee all night and for breakfast, and then go to sleep), 5 hour energy is more likely to give me heart palpitations (that is all the excess caffeine I use to drink ever did) and sugar will just put me to sleep.... always has, always will.

It is a matter of either changing sleep patterns, which simply do not fit my life (family responsibilities) at this time, or giving up some of the little sleep I currently get.

And of course staying driven to do so
I am finally home from Cozumel. It was a great trip till we came home. We had a 3 hour layover in Dallas, and long layovers suck.
But it was nothing compared to the 5 day layover in the hospital.
I got back from Oklahoma it was fun
I saw 8 movie theaters and when I got to oklehoma I saw 5 casinos before getting to the hotel. The hotel had a balcony and a pool outside sadly there was no water i. The pool. Yesterday we went to the seminar 7:30am - 8:00pm with breaks and lunch and dinner breaks too today went to seminar from 7:30am - 12:30am we practiced some forms techniques anx there was a bunch of lectures some interesting, some confusing, and some were just really confusing... (one day id like to give a lecture)

IMO the term daoist seems strange, I say this because if someone trains dao wouldnt they be called a daoist? And if someone uses daoism (taoism) isnt that person also called a daoist?

I got two books "tai chi chuan" ($5) and "inside the way of reason" ($40) and I got them both signed by the author too!
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A lot of the black belts demonstrated interesting forms. The next day we got to go to the park and train outside mostly pushhands. I didnt find the lectures afterwards to be interesting but informative. We took a group photosView attachment 19580
The guy with the flag shirt is my instructor , im the guy looking down, the guy with the grey shirt is dr.wong (he signed my books)
View attachment 19581
After that we some of us ate at a thai restaurant I forgot what the food was called. I got thai tea (imo thats a funny word to say) then I went back to texas.

you find a lot of overlapping terms in life.
Now, I want to know how you could possibly implement 'reason' in your life....because?

BTW, You might frind the Tao te ching online...Although I only found the German translation for free. The Art of War is free....
I keep thinking how terrible a patient I would be should I happen to end up on 'my' floor....knowing where the replacement cleaners slack, and where the techs and nurses make shortcuts....
Then again...maybe then they would - at least in one room - fly straight...since the boss man would come by and ask questions! :D
But then again, most folks on that floor are really energy to be smart....Or they would put me with a babysitter, so I could not roam the floors, checking on them! :shamefullyembarrased:
It was 85F... under 100 feet of water. :D

I came home with dengue fever and C. jejuni infections. I was in septic shock and my kidneys were shutting down when they admitted me.

OK, first, how do you get a mosquito bite 100 feet under the water...caught it from a shark...didn't you... and you said they were not dangerous :D

I actually had to look up Campylobacter jejuni, I knew about Dengue Fever, Holly Mosquito infested bad food Batman....

Heart rate of 140 and blood pressure of 80/50 with kidneys failure ain't good (but you know that), how are you doing now?
you find a lot of overlapping terms in life.
Now, I want to know how you could possibly implement 'reason' in your life....because?

BTW, You might frind the Tao te ching online...Although I only found the German translation for free. The Art of War is free....

I dont know... I havnt read it yet... I know seemingly half is Chinese(cant read a single word of that stuff) though the other half is english :D

I have read the first 6 pages in the other book though. Thats progress! :D
OK, I have been told (by Mrs Xue) that it is likely that I will be going to Germany next year. I have also been told that Mrs Xue only handles Mandarin and Japanese languages but does not handle German. I have been told I need to get MUCH better with my German before we go since "I" am the one who will be responsible for all German conversations. My German is from college..waaaaaaay back in the stone age, and it is propped up these days by Google translate and English/German Dictionaries.

Yes, I'm scared..... anyone know where I can get a babel fish.

The whole verb "to be" thing simply perplexes me beyond belief
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OK, first, how do you get a mosquito bite 100 feet under the water...caught it from a shark...didn't you... and you said they were not dangerous :D

Nope. If I'd stayed under water with the sharks, I'd never have gotten it.

I actually had to look up Campylobacter jejuni, I knew about Dengue Fever, Holly Mosquito infested bad food Batman....

Heart rate of 140 and blood pressure of 80/50 with kidneys failure ain't good (but you know that), how are you doing now?

Still sick, but it's "normal" sick, if that makes sense. Another week and I'll be back to 100%. :)
OK, I have been told (by Mrs Xue) that it is likely that I will be going to Germany next year. I have also been told that Mrs Xue only handles Mandarin and Japanese languages but does not handle German. I have been told I need to get MUCH better with my German before we go since "I" am the one who will be responsible for all German conversations. My German is from college..waaaaaaay back in the stone age, and it is propped up these days by Google translate and English/German Dictionaries.

Yes, I'm scared..... anyone know where I can get a babble fish.

The whole verb "to be" thing simply perplexes me beyond belief

Just get mad. German always sounds sooooo angry.
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