Last Person Thread #4

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Autumn is around the corner... that means spending an hour racking leaves just so the dog can scatter them out in less than 5 minutes and goodbye hot weather

This october 9th I get to go to oaklehoma

Okay..forgive me - and I am assuming you were the victim of 'auto-correct' - but, do you mean Oklahoma.. ?
Between yesterday, last night, and this morning.... this heavy bag got the most intense workout it has gotten in a long time
This may be blasphemy, but I am thinking about not checking MT today while things run and reading a couple books instead
Man, maybe I should go in to work...
as of late I am waking up sore and stiff, but never hurt when I am scrubbing toilets....

I really don't want to have a handful of Ibuprofen for breakfast every day....
WHY WHY WHY WHY do people still fall for the craigslist scams.

If you are selling an item for 200 bucks and the buyer who says hes out of the country on business wants to send you a check for 1400 dollars tells you to deposit the check then wire his "shipping guy" who's a random dude 3000 miles away1100 and you can keep the extra 100 for your time DONT RESPOND!!!!!!!!!
WHY WHY WHY WHY do people still fall for the craigslist scams.

If you are selling an item for 200 bucks and the buyer who says hes out of the country on business wants to send you a check for 1400 dollars tells you to deposit the check then wire his "shipping guy" who's a random dude 3000 miles away1100 and you can keep the extra 100 for your time DONT RESPOND!!!!!!!!!

Husband has a colleague, spend 1500 dollars on an imaginary trailer....if it's too good to be true, it usually is.
Taking a break from reading, I have to tell you this Linux Documentation is fascinating :yawn:

I'm binge watching Season 8 of The Big Bang Theory... and watching our 4 week old kittens learning to walk.
And thinking about starting to pack, because we're leaving for Cozumel next week. And no, I'm still not worried about sharks.

How's that Linux Documentation looking now? :D
Had no allergies all day then all a sudden like a uppercut to the jaw... allergies strikes again! Maybe one day ill be less stubborn and take the medicine like the doctor tells me. Unfortunately that day is not today
I'm binge watching Season 8 of The Big Bang Theory... and watching our 4 week old kittens learning to walk.
And thinking about starting to pack, because we're leaving for Cozumel next week. And no, I'm still not worried about sharks.

How's that Linux Documentation looking now? :D

Sadly none of that would have helped me with the problem I was having, but then neither did reading all that appears that the vendor neglected to give me all the bits and pieces of the software necessary for the eval...... now I'm going to read a book on there
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