Last Person Thread #4

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Did a little experiment. Read all this stuff about Dairy causing inflammation to joints so with my arthritis in my knees hip and shoulder I decided to cut all dairy out of my diet for a couple weeks and I found I had no pain in my joints during week 2. This week I decided to put dairy back in and had ilk in my Breakfast tea and eggplant parmesan, pizza and some cheese. Been eating that way for 3 days and I have to tell you my left knee currently hates me.

Now this could be a coincidence, but I'm cutting dairy out again and see how I feel
After all these years every now and then I still get that shake my head in disbelief moments. I had 2 this week

On a much smaller scale (MUCH smaller) I can relate.
Thank goodness, the boss man of the floor will be back Monday.
Unfortunately for him, his R&R will be done about 5 minutes after he clocks in...
On a much smaller scale (MUCH smaller) I can relate.
Thank goodness, the boss man of the floor will be back Monday.
Unfortunately for him, his R&R will be done about 5 minutes after he clocks in...
I had a 35 year old naked woman try to pee on me. She lifted her leg like a dog........don't do drugs kids
I had a 35 year old naked woman try to pee on me. She lifted her leg like a dog........don't do drugs kids

In the ER, way back in my hospital security days, I once had a 30 year old female, IV drug user, yell at me that if we would just give her some heroin, she'd be fine..... I told her all she needed to do was find a doctor who could write her a script....

just kidding. :)

I can't wait for the dislike button to hit facebook....I wonder if it will cause some real life trouble....

And a "lame" button for when someone posts pictures of their food, complains about their day or takes some freaky looking close up picture(selfie) in the bathroom :rolleyes:

..will be competing tomorrow in Forms and Weapons Forms -

both of my new 2nd Dan forms - for the first time in competition!!

Good job!
I had a 35 year old naked woman try to pee on me. She lifted her leg like a dog........don't do drugs kids
I got put into my place by a demented woman....she told me several times she was from out of town and all alone (hospital, room near where all the hallways meet...), when I tried to tell her, she was actually IN town, she got mad....Then she repeated her phone number about ten times!
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