Last Person Thread #4

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Don't tell him. Have your wife inform him that you're in jail, and Homeland Security might not allow him to return from China because he's being looked into as a security risk...

Sent from an old fashioned 300 baud acoustic modem by whistling into the handset. Not TapaTalk. Really.
I was trying to find my friend who went to work for the CIA several years ago, but I have not talked to him in years and he may have retired by now... and to be honest I am not sure how smart it would be to really start looking for a CIA person, but if I could have found him....oh boy we would have had some fun :D

But I caved, he was upset, nervous and a bit scared and I did not want him to spend his last few days there nervous. I did however take it a bit further and told him I really wish he told me all this before I got to the Federal building and punched out the guy at the desk....

I then told him I knew it was a joke, a very bad joke, but a joke just the same and he best not do it again..... did not add the pay backs a...well you know, bits, but I will later....and we will talk more about it when he gets home

Already was below minimum strength and relying on a support element to meet staffing tomorrow because another support element grabbed one of my guys for something when I was at minimum. Just got notified that our dispatcher has called out sick... So the guys working currently found a way to get me a body for that.
I have something I have to do, but I don't want to do it, but I really should because it could be rather important. It is like standing in front of a real high wall you have to climb
Had an apple and a bottle of water for breakfast, gave blood, jogged 2 1/2 miles today and cooked lunch (no assistance or supervision and still turned out great) whats next paying bills?! Today was a weird morning...
Went fishing today. Didn't catch anything, but who cares? It was a beautiful lake, the sun was nice, and the chipmunks friendly.

Sent from an old fashioned 300 baud acoustic modem by whistling into the handset. Not TapaTalk. Really.

Already was below minimum strength and relying on a support element to meet staffing tomorrow because another support element grabbed one of my guys for something when I was at minimum. Just got notified that our dispatcher has called out sick... So the guys working currently found a way to get me a body for that.
We have a forced OT system. If the next shift is short the shift getting off has to pick someone to stay and cover half and the shift that replaces the short shift has to have people come in early.
Our midnight shift is grossly under staffed right now so I get drafted to stay and help mids 2 to 3 times a week. They regularly are 5 to 6 people short every night.
Isn't forced OT wonderful....... I had it when I was security for the state, but we were forced full shift based on seniority and last time you were forced to do OT..... I hated it. But with this system you could also be called at 6:00 AM, after getting home at 12:00 or 1:00 to come back in....thank goodness for answering machines.

All this mulling things over in my mind, all this I know I have to do this even though I don't want to, all this stress, and other assorted real life PIA stuff and I finally do what needs to be done.... and the "Professional" source that is SUPPOSE to know such things....gave me the wrong damn information and I am RIGHT back a square one
Oh goody...and now I have a dentist appointment tomorrow too... this just keeps getting better and better
Seems like a beak from the rest of the BS.
Unless you go for a root canal.
or have a chatty doc who likes to keep a conversation while he works.
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