Last Person Thread #4

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Just waiting for the THUNDER!!!!!!

Tomorrow is mow lawn day...or maybe Sunday...... not sure yet...... now if my oldest would quit lollygagging in China and get home it would not be lawn mowing day for me at all...... at least not until September when College starts...... I noticed he did just happen to pick one far enough away to make it impossible for him to mow once a week... kids today :D
And don't even get me started on the snow removal in the winter.....:D

I will say after he gave me a couple of jabs about my typing using his favorite chat software, damn tiny keys on the tablet, I did threated to stop mowing until he returned....Mrs. Xue thought that was rather funny....but it was more of a HA HA HA HA kind of thing
Well August starts tomorrow and I might take the 3 amoebas off of ignore to see how it have been a nice a quiet month without them. But I suppose if I get annoyed with them again I could then but some or all on permanent ignore so the one permanent resident there will no longer be lonely
Tomorrow my vacation comes to an end and I get to drive back from Atlanta with 5 kids stopping about half way to pick up a new puppy........what was I thinking
Vacation does that :confused:, you lose all rational sense of thinking then everything goes downhill. Thank goodness it was just a puppy. Things could have quickly escalated making it much worse...
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