Last Person Thread #4

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i made a funny today :) my instryctor texted
need ride to class and i responded with this
Missing class tonight. :( It is the night for the monthly Apis Mellifera discussion. In truth it is almost as much fun...almost.
Yep. Local Apiary club. Hope to be set up for a couple hives this spring.

I have an uncle who was the bee inspector for a county in Ohio many years ago. I remember he had several hives and we use to get honey all the time and my grandfather had a few hives too.
Any of you diving people got a pool like this?

Nope. There are several of those around the world, but I've never visited one.
Pools are for testing gear after you've had it torn apart for servicing, so all they need to be is a 10-15' hole in the ground.

On the other hand, there are some flooded abandoned missile silos that I think could be interesting.
Pretty cool pool though to teach a bunch of boys to use the gear though.

Actually, I'd disagree. Initial training should be in water shallow enough that the student can stand up if they need to. Like if one of the skill drills freaks them out (flooding the mask seems to be the one that does this most often). Keeping the environment simple also prevents distractions and allows the student to focus on the skills being developed. It's difficult for a tyro to maintain neutral buoyancy and proper trim even without distractions.
Of course, far far too many programs don't teach decent buoyancy and trim anyway. It saddens me to see graduates of these programs bashing the fragile reef structures.
OH Sure NOW I look like I got punched in the eye :blackeye:

After my surgery, if I opened my eye I saw a large bubble..... day 2 I saw one small bubble and 1 large bubble..... day 3 I saw one large bubble and 2 small bubbles that resembled Mickey Mouse..... but alas the end of day 3 I now see one large bubble and 2 small bubbles and 1 bubble slightly larger than the 2 small bubbles...... it is a freaky way to see the world let me tell you.

And I have to lay ONLY on my left side (and for the first week I am supposed to spend most of my time there) for at least 2 weeks and when I stand or sit I have to keep my head face down and slightly turned to the left... yeah I got real tired of this this morning (day 3)

Boy we're having some fun now...
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Actually, I'd disagree. Initial training should be in water shallow enough that the student can stand up if they need to. Like if one of the skill drills freaks them out (flooding the mask seems to be the one that does this most often). Keeping the environment simple also prevents distractions and allows the student to focus on the skills being developed. It's difficult for a tyro to maintain neutral buoyancy and proper trim even without distractions.
Of course, far far too many programs don't teach decent buoyancy and trim anyway. It saddens me to see graduates of these programs bashing the fragile reef structures.

I would agree with that. During training my dive instructor said that I did the fastest mask clear he had ever seen. And he had been teaching a while. Now it isn't a big deal at all.

In regards to BC and trim I wholeheartedly agree of all the skills taught this is one that always needs more attention.
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