Last Person Thread #4

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Grandson is sick today and his parents needed to go to work so I get to play all day with him, at least when he feels well enough and Sponge Bob isn't on
Eye problem is a detached retina, a little to late, they can fix it they think but my vision will not come back in that eye like it was before....and my serious MA pursuits are likely over...per MD and per my wife
I guess it's time to focus your chi! :) Seriously, take care of yourself and I'm very sorry to ehar about your eye. :(
Eye problem is a detached retina, a little to late, they can fix it they think but my vision will not come back in that eye like it was before....and my serious MA pursuits are likely over...per MD and per my wife

Welllll.... you will need to avoid impacts to the orbit, but other than that it really shouldn't affect your MA. How much contact sparring do you do?
Welllll.... you will need to avoid impacts to the orbit, but other than that it really shouldn't affect your MA. How much contact sparring do you do?

I believe that is what got me here, I was training with some Wing Chun guys on weekends and I was having a blast, but I took one in the eye a few weeks ago and that is when all the trouble started... as does the wife who so far...has not let me forget it at all....

Going focus on Taijiquan and the martial arts of it after this is done. I got 1 night of sleeping at a table face down and 13 more days of spending much of my time laying on my left side
I guess it's time to focus your chi! :) Seriously, take care of yourself and I'm very sorry to ehar about your eye. :(

Actually that is a darn good suggestion, I was trying to figure out what I was going to do spending most of the next 2 weeks fairly immobile.... I think I will work with Qi

Eye problem is a detached retina, a little to late, they can fix it they think but my vision will not come back in that eye like it was before....and my serious MA pursuits are likely over...per MD and per my wife
Sorry to hear your problem will cause some serious post fixing problems. Be smart and follow your doctors orders.
Eye problem is a detached retina, a little to late, they can fix it they think but my vision will not come back in that eye like it was before....and my serious MA pursuits are likely over...per MD and per my wife
Sorry to hear that. I wish you a speedy and as complete as possible recovery.

Surgery is likely tomorrow afternoon, but it could be Wednesday. All I know for sure is the MD stuff starts tomorrow morning and likely goes all day before I know for sure

Good night MT wherever you are
my best friend david is finally having his wedding this weekend... and i have to say a few words ...generally i like to add a joke of the day but because the situation i better tell my joke after the wedding... (would hate to be on everyones bad side :) )

also got to practice weapons today good class :)
Good class today.

Sorry to hear about your issues Xue. My mother-in-law has been dealing with the same issue for a while now. It has really been tough for her. We will be praying for you.
Icky yesterday, but going to be nice today. Sunny and mid-60's. Need to wash the Vette and the Jeep, change the oil in the Jeep and give it the once-over. We're heading out for a 3000 mile road trip next week.
Class tonight. :D
It's been crazy cold here the last few days. Sun in wintertime is a mixed blessing for us. A little unexpected Vitamin D, but about 10F colder without the clouds.
about 30 degrees colder today than yesterday. Not complaining yet it is still above zero and not snowing yet today
You guys are making me feel the need to go someplace warm.
Sadly, we don't actually get to go real soon. Next trip will be Cozumel, but not until February.
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