Last Person Thread #4

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ah, yes....

it's cold and we had a delay yesterday, and dear husband was sick all weekend, not my schedule is way off, feels like christmas holiday, but it's not even Thanksgiving yet...
I forgot the medication for my eye this far seeing rather foggy in that eye and getting foggier all the time
Just slightly runny nose here so got a small pocket size thing cleanex :)

Finding parking spot this morning was rather difficult, saw some person trying to leave and attempted to get the spot bit some lady drove in front and the awkward thing she was her car was in front of the car trying to leave so neither were going anywhere and she couldn't back up cause a car drove behind her too and just as I found and claimed a parking spot i heard a honk behind me and it was the lady from earlier still without a parking spot :uhyeah:
Maybe you should calm down, relax, and clear your mind :) maybe have a nice glass of tea... Or a glass of chocolate milk :uhyeah:
Short rant

For crying out loud it is not even THANKSGIVING yet so STOP with the Christmas decorations already will ya....sheesh

There I feel slightly better now
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