Last Person Thread #4

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It's cold outside and so are my feet... And I really need to take my allergy medicine its worse than usual

Side note/ had good practice today :) improved kata and helped sister improve on Kumite
A Poem

did some sparing the other day
held my own I must say
took one in the eye
knee hurts I could cry
but the old guy did walk away

Today I can't walk
But I can still talk
It is hard to see
nothing new to me
but I think I shall see the Doc

Something I did miss
in ignorance there's bliss
now what was that thought
that I had when I fought
Oh yeah, I'm to old for this
92... :) I did pass the second exam good well done...

I don't know how to make a poem
So instead ill get my car key
Get in the car and sit on my bum
Though outside is cold and icy
class is where I need be
Another Poem

Well what do you know this is new
and it is not even black and blue
not in a million years even if I try
but for all intents and purposes I bruised my eye
and it is only something I think I could do

Nothing major, mostly irritating with a side order of two different eye drops thrown in to help it heal
My allergy medicine takes a while to take effect, I wonder if I take more it will work faster maybe even longer :)

Good weapon class, got areas I need to fix i can practice on them at home and it will be better by next class :)
Rest of the family has Strep. I seem to be the hold out...for now. Kinda odd, usually I just have to think the word "Strep" and I get it.
Thinking about planning to start Christmas shopping for this year.
Sue wants a Glock 26, so that's easy, at least.
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