Last Person Thread #4

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Are you traveling? Or relaxing at home during your time off?

Both. I'm heading to Honduras on Sat for 6 days to help repair a well and kitchen and roof of a school my church sponsored. Then I'm coming home and relaxing for about a week. Then I go back to work for 2 weeks and I'm on vacation again. My family and I are going to the mountains for a week then the beach for a week
I was someplace new today..., for all of 1.75 hours...Las Vegas... and it was 100 degrees.... Brian...I have no idea how you can train at 100 degrees :D
had another scan on my leg today and the bones have healed - can't believe how quickly it's knitted together, doctor took the cast off :), i've always been a quick healer but this is crazy. i start physio on monday morning cos they want me walking very soon and as of monday i can shadow box and shadow kick to my hearts content :)

got lots of things that i need to catch up on like last nights party -- i got a new dress just for the occasion :) and i've been invited out next thursday but i've got muay thai before it so am thinking of just going in my RDX gym kit - problem is that it has fight me by rdx written on it !!!!! ;)
I like the roller coaster they go faster faster and faster and really really high and before you know it the roller coaster is going a lot faster then through loops spins turns and repeat

But it's all fun in games till the ride starts and you just realize you ate a full meal and the ride is about to start... Or when the friend you come with is the screamer (sometimes funny unless close to your ear)
enjoy your holidays :)

well last night i did some shadow boxing and shadow kicks - nothing major just wanted to see how my felt throwing kicks is all. still very tender but cos i can use a southpaw stance for a fair of bit of my training i kept weight off it which i'm sure helped a lot. not looking forward to physio starting cos am still relying on my crutches to "walk" --- i did put some weight through with the crutches and it didn't feel too bad tbh.

also put the pain meds away once and for all --- i believe in taking meds upto a point but i gotta feel what my legs like without them and there is some "pain" but not a heck of a lot which is reassuring.

the thing with pain is that it lets you know you're not dead yet :) also pain is just a figment of the imagination cos no one can quanitfy it in any respect either lol ;)
nice one :)

did some more training - got my exercise routine dialed in without any issues so am very happy - might even get my flat tummy back yet ;) been eating far too much add to that my supplements and cos of the level of inactivity it's been piling up on my hips :(

helping out with a pad class later on which is a total workout for me too :) if you think that just holding the pads is easy then you're deluded there's a whole heap more cos it's more like shadow boxing but the student has to hit the pads :) and some of the guys hit really hard which is good just means that i feel everything going through my arms every time --- total workout :)
I like the roller coaster they go faster faster and faster and really really high and before you know it the roller coaster is going a lot faster then through loops spins turns and repeat

But it's all fun in games till the ride starts and you just realize you ate a full meal and the ride is about to start... Or when the friend you come with is the screamer (sometimes funny unless close to your ear)

Use to like them, now they just beat me up. No more rollrr coasters for me
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