Last Person #5

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Well, I just picked up some more green coffee beans.

2 lbs Josuma's Malabar Gold Espresso blend
2 lbs Indian Baba Bundangari Chikmagalur Arabidecool Estate
1 lbs Indian, Monsooned Malabar AA
1 lbs Indian Cherry Natural Process Robusta 17

2 lbs Uncertain Blend
1 lbs Tanzania Peaberry CP Select
2 lbs Guatemala Huehuetenango SHB, Tello Family Estate

Should be fun to play around with these. Some blends. Some single origin. Some will be good for blending with other beans.

Damn, dude, that's some serious poundage right there. I so wish I lived next door, I'd bring the biscottis.
Like, every day. :)
I live in a really quiet, rural neighborhood. Loud party of a hundred, rich, white kids in their early twenties, across the street from my house tonight. I didn't even know there were a hundred, rich white kids on Maui.

Called the cops at 1:11. The kids were staggering onto the street. Several fell down. Some were snorting blow off the mailbox. I thought they were going to get run over.

Three cruisers came, one cop spoke to one kid for thirty seconds, and they all drove off.

My cell phone rang thirty minutes later. It was the PD, they identified themselves and said, "How can we help you?" I said, "You called me, how can I help you?"

They said, "You called about a party. it's breaking up, the music has been turned down."

I said, "What music? There wasn't a complaint about loud music."

It's an hour and a half later and nothing has changed. I have to work tomorrow. I may have to take matters into my own hands. And I don't like rich, white kids. (I know, that's racist, but you have to know them to really understand how much they suck. Okay, so I'm a racist, sue me)

I don't like them almost as much as I don't like lazy *** cops. Almost.

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Ugh...I meant to start 22 Minutes Hard Corps again today because the schedule goes for six days, with day seven off. If I started today, then day seven would be Friday, which is perfect because that is my most hectic day...and wouldn't you know it? I have been running around too much and I feel too drained to start!
8 1/2 hours at the dojang today.. :)

Black Belt class
helped out with kids' class
Open Rank class
called drills at first test class
helped out with second test class
called drills at third test class
voice.. gone
8 1/2 hours at the dojang today.. :)

Black Belt class
helped out with kids' class
Open Rank class
called drills at first test class
helped out with second test class
called drills at third test class
voice.. gone
Keep some Throat Coat tea handy for these occasions, KS. All the professional speakers and trainers I know (myself included) keep it on hand. I've used it to help me get through weeks of delivering 5 x 6-hour days of live training.
I love these Saturday nights that SHOULD be relaxing, but become more stressful than my entire week! :)
I know that, as my kids get older, things will never be 100% stress-free. However, I do know there is one thing that will make life easier: being able to deal with my children directly, and not having to involve anyone else.
I've been curing a brisket for almost 2 weeks. Cooked it today and made homemade Rueben sandwiches for dinner. corned beef hash is on the menu for breakfast tomorrow. Mmmmm.
I've been curing a brisket for almost 2 weeks. Cooked it today and made homemade Rueben sandwiches for dinner. corned beef hash is on the menu for breakfast tomorrow. Mmmmm.
I've never tried doing a proper brisket. As much as I like corned beef (and a good Rueben with strong sauerkraut), it's odd I've never done that.
Brisket. If Humpty Dumpty had brisket, he'd still be king.
Xue, do you eat meat often?

Nope, but there are times that I go on a forced binge, mostly due to what my mother or mother-in-law send to the house. Or on rare occasion, when the oldest (the meat eater) is not home, and Mrs Xue decides she needs to cook a bunch of beef..... these all came together as meat-agedden at my house the last 2 weeks. Throw in Chinese new year and my inability to not eat good Chinese food when it is placed in front of me and you get a not feeling all to well Xue
Nope, but there are times that I go on a forced binge, mostly due to what my mother or mother-in-law send to the house. Or on rare occasion, when the oldest (the meat eater) is not home, and Mrs Xue decides she needs to cook a bunch of beef..... these all came together as meat-agedden at my house the last 2 weeks. Throw in Chinese new year and my inability to not eat good Chinese food when it is placed in front of me and you get a not feeling all to well Xue
Ah. Are you familiar with the subject of gut bacteria? These things actually do part of the digesting for us with some foods. If you don't normally eat meat, your gut flora likely don't include the bacteria that help us digest meat (the same goes for those who don't regularly eat red meat). That can cause problems when you do eat it in quantity - your body is simply not set up to digest it properly, and won't get much of the nutritional value.
Ah. Are you familiar with the subject of gut bacteria? These things actually do part of the digesting for us with some foods. If you don't normally eat meat, your gut flora likely don't include the bacteria that help us digest meat (the same goes for those who don't regularly eat red meat). That can cause problems when you do eat it in quantity - your body is simply not set up to digest it properly, and won't get much of the nutritional value.

That explains it. When I do eat meat, it is generally chicken, occasionally pork and sometimes fish or seafood. Most of the time my protein comes from vegetable sources or eggs I have not eaten beef (red meat) in over 2 years.

Note: tried a McDonalds Cheese burger, to satisfy a craving about 2.5 years ago and get rather sick. I had not had any red meat for about 1 year prior to that
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