Last Person #5

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Or just "formerly cuted"?
"Cuted" - is that like when this happens? And so, when someone is "ex-cuted" - it used to happen but doesn't happen anymore? Wow... that's terrible. Being "ex-cuted" its terrible. Poor @Steve - nobody cutes on him anymore. He is ex-cuted.
Here is my response to the suggestion of getting Mrs Xue outside to do a mud run


I'd be the one laughing, you'd be the one standing there blankly staring

And I pity the fool who tries to get her to one.... but I would call the ambulance to help the poor misguided soul after she was finished with them
That's why your the one who is gonna ask. :p
"Cuted" - is that like when this happens? And so, when someone is "ex-cuted" - it used to happen but doesn't happen anymore? Wow... that's terrible. Being "ex-cuted" its terrible. Poor @Steve - nobody cutes on him anymore. He is ex-cuted.
My cat, Chekov, is way cuter than this cat. Just as an FYI. He is the cutest cat ever. Fact.
I was posting from my phone without my glasses. :D My kids make fun of me when I text like that, but I literally can't see the typos.

I can.

As long as the phone is within a couple inches of my face, at any rate.
Exactly, and this is why I am not the one who is going to ask...... as a matter of fact I am the one who is not going to mention this to Mrs Xue at all..... I may be crazy, but I'm not that crazy....yet :D
So what your saying is... Your not going to ask her now... Alright. I can wait. :D
I can.

As long as the phone is within a couple inches of my face, at any rate.
I'm the opposite, and my arms have shrunken and are no longer capable of holding the phone far enough away. And if I move it far enough away to see, I can no longer reach it to type.

I need to quit washing my arms in hot water.
Chekov is my cat. Rose Tyler is the black cat, rolling around in the sunshine. She's pretty cute, too, but she is my wife and daughter's cat.

Chekov is the most chill cat ever.

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I love the names of your cat. Is Chekov named after the Star Trek Chekov or the great playwright Chekov? Either way - it's cool. And I don't need to ask, whom Rose Tyler is named after - any respectable nerd knows that! :)
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