Last Person #5

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I took a psych test for a job with a police department in New Hampshire and I will never forget one of the questions.... "Did you ever wake up feeling evil?" My first thought was.... "Why else would I want this job"... but my only options were yes, no, occasionally......
There is no way I'd ever get past one of those exams. I have just a little too much smartass in me, and too little tolerance for evaluations that take themselves that seriously.
There is no way I'd ever get past one of those exams. I have just a little too much smartass in me, and too little tolerance for evaluations that take themselves that seriously.

I think that is why they make the answers multiple avoid the smartass in many who take them ;)
Well, now my right hip is being bitchy. If I'm lucky, it's just an impingement. If not, it's some arthritis that's getting mean. Either way, I gotta move more.
I once posted a picture of one of our local bouncers. To demonstrate that you dont necessary need to be Mr fitness or something.

Anyway. This is why he does his job well.

Agreed. What makes for success (in MA, as in bouncing) isn't a single, uniform set of attributes. This guy has some attributes I never will, and uses them effectively. It must be hell when someone messes up and he decides to take action - like being bounced by the wall of the building.
Get up in the morning feeling ok...had enough sleep for once
Did not have time to do Taijiquan, but that's OK, I feel fine
Get in my car for the 40 minute drive to work
Park and get out of my car to walk in
DANG!!!! my hips have seized up, my knees hurt and I cannot walk normally.

Solution is to move..a lot, do some taijiquan, walk, exercise..... but here I sit...waiting for a conference call.... and when I get up again....DANG!!!!

I like the cold weather and I like winter...until about mid February.... but there is nothing like a combination of age, cold when it comes to slowing you down,
Get up in the morning feeling ok...had enough sleep for once
Did not have time to do Taijiquan, but that's OK, I feel fine
Get in my car for the 40 minute drive to work
Park and get out of my car to walk in
DANG!!!! my hips have seized up, my knees hurt and I cannot walk normally.

Solution is to move..a lot, do some taijiquan, walk, exercise..... but here I sit...waiting for a conference call.... and when I get up again....DANG!!!!

I like the cold weather and I like winter...until about mid February.... but there is nothing like a combination of age, cold when it comes to slowing you down,
what? Complaining about the weather?!

It's not even cold yet!
No, I like the weather, its the Arthritis I don't like :D
Ah, ok.
I guess.....

Well, I didn't make the news.
turned my pretty Altima rental car in this morning, did not create a scene, threaten to do something rash, and handed the fob over like an adult.

Got a different loaner, but from the body shop (that should have just shot the truck, and put it out of it's misery)
A Kia Sorento, already rather used on the inside, the breaks scared me for a spell, but they seem to be ok, once you are getting used to them...

But I had a mild heart attack, driving down the 4 lane highway, glancing down at the gas gauge...
it's on E with the light on! No wonder the lady who brought it didn't want a lift back across town to the shop!
I am glad i made it to the pump!
gonna be hard to give it just as empty back though....
Ah, ok.
I guess.....

Well, I didn't make the news.
turned my pretty Altima rental car in this morning, did not create a scene, threaten to do something rash, and handed the fob over like an adult.

Got a different loaner, but from the body shop (that should have just shot the truck, and put it out of it's misery)
A Kia Sorento, already rather used on the inside, the breaks scared me for a spell, but they seem to be ok, once you are getting used to them...

But I had a mild heart attack, driving down the 4 lane highway, glancing down at the gas gauge...
it's on E with the light on! No wonder the lady who brought it didn't want a lift back across town to the shop!
I am glad i made it to the pump!
gonna be hard to give it just as empty back though....

Had a mild heart attack on a 4 lane highway Beijing...the cab I was in traveling in, on a 3 lane (actually 6 lane it was 3 lanes in 1 direction and 3 going another) highway ran a red light (without even a hint of stopping or slowing down) and went across a 4 lane highway (actually 8 lanes) without stopping...... somehow...we survived. And my wife who was in the front seat talking to the driver as he did this....did not notice a thing..... scary part is that I don't think the driver did either. I was in the back....dove under the seat, like that would have made any difference..
i woke up this morning, looked through the obituaries. noticed Jim Nabors died. however i didnt see my own name in there so i figure its a good day. i look every morning just to make sure.
Went to the sounders game yesterday. I don't know a lot about soccer but its a fun sport to watch in person.
Must be the time of year, but I am thinking about taking my old Classical Guitar out of the case and giving it a go again.....note I said "thinking about"

Problem is I got old and now HATE long finger nails (also not so good for martial arts) so I would then have to go with finger picks...Which I also hate
Must be the time of year, but I am thinking about taking my old Classical Guitar out of the case and giving it a go again.....note I said "thinking about"

Problem is I got old and now HATE long finger nails (also not so good for martial arts) so I would then have to go with finger picks...Which I also hate
I've never even gotten around to trying finger picks, and have never been able to maintain long nails because of MA. I manage to "pick" after a fashion with bare fingertips.
I've never even gotten around to trying finger picks, and have never been able to maintain long nails because of MA. I manage to "pick" after a fashion with bare fingertips.
are you talking about guitars or has the conversation drifted to noses?
I've never even gotten around to trying finger picks, and have never been able to maintain long nails because of MA. I manage to "pick" after a fashion with bare fingertips.

Thought about that too, that is how Fernando Sor was suppose to have played the classical guitar. But it gets had to play some piece properly, not that I ever played any of the pieces I use to do properly in what was, at my best (and if I am being kind), a high level of mediocrity.
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