RRouuselot said:
1)There is no need to meet you I can read what you have written and comment on it.
But why state that I am fabricating? I am only posting what I have experienced. Since you do not know me, and I have stated the possiblities, how can you call me a liar? I am far too up in age then to fabrciate and play games like teenagers and youngsters on forums such as this.
RRouuselot said:
2)No, the fact that I live and train in Japan speak Japanese and have learned a great deal about the history and culture of both Okinawa and Japan has given me the knowledge to know when someone has made up a Japanese name or style. Using 2 family names and claiming they are a person's whole name like your supposed teacher “Otsumura Matsuda” is like saying a guys name was “Tanaka Tanaka”. It's made up plain and simple.
Hey, I agree that it sounds strange. And you are not the first to tell me this. It sounds made up, but not by me. Looking at my past journals, which are like a diary, I also have his name spelled Osakumura-in one place. Osaku in another, and his father's name-Tokguro in another.
RRouuselot said:
3)Where is you teacher now? Okinawa? If so give me his contact info and I will look him upÂ…Â…or has he conveniently gone missing and nobody is able to contact him?
I did state that I was trying to relocate him. I had many questions to ask him. Hopefully more details on him, his name, his family lineage and a rekindle greeting. I beleive, as I had decades ago, which were years after his disapperance, that he wasn't whom he claim to be. But, it didnt make him less of a teacher. Many local Occidentals studied with him. Do you want their names, addresses, contact info? The man did exist. I would appreciate if you can find him. But, as you know, as I have learn sometime ago, the name is misleading. (I also tried to locate another instructor named Charles Parks or McParks...no luck there also.)
RRouuselot said:
4)Different thread that I care nothing about.
(Ref James Mistose) It is in the very relation of someone calling someone a liar or fabricator. Does this make the student whom went on and study other things to improve their skill less of a martial artist? Does this make them liars and fabricators also?
RRouuselot said:
5)I am stating that when people shovel BS about their who their teacher was, their training and abilities this formulates skepticism and distrust from non-martial arts people and in the end generates disrespect.
And I can understand your sentiments. However, you dont know who I am and I had explained to you the situation. People follow things blindly when they are young. I am no different or perfect. Which is why I was searching in the first place. Ever since the introduction of the interent, I have been searching for certain people.
What you have to realize, people are mislead. And in the early 70's, moreso than today. I was such a person. Many people back then were mislead my orientals because of the look and sterotyping associated with martial arts. I am not going to state, that I didnt learn some methods and routines from him. Such as the routines, that I have not seen, so far, in other schools.
But a forum such as this can educate people that are now coming into it. Don't you think that I feel humilated being mislead? Why would you, continue to bash/insult me? Bash the siutation or that one particular man whom taught me.