Lack of respect---bothersome???

I simple arm block to the ankle that sets the guy spinning and falling will do wonders as well, I suspect. Especially when it's done so fast he doesn't see it coming. Then you can say "oops...reflexes kicked in" or "oh, I'm sorry, I thought you wanted to spar"
People mock and poke fun of anything. I do that with Nascar fans..,,,etc....:)

Look, there is a comedy side to anything, as a martial artist preparing my mind for discipline, I am not bothered by it. In fact, I may at time laugh and poke fun at some of it too.

(doing crane sitting in front of monitor)
I agree with that completely, THE KAI thank you! That has also been a problem that got bigger as the years went on-- 6 yr. old black belts and the like. But, at least they take classes and spend time doing the arts, the people I referred to in my post were know nothings that would say, when asked about themselves, "Oh I used to break bricks in my friends garage, that's how I got my second degree black belt!, and they didn't even know what style, or system, or even what a horse stance was!---LOL
Blindside said : "This isn't the fault of the media, we did it to ourselves."

Well put!
masherdong said:
Yeah, I hear you all out. I hate it when people try to test you and mock us. It pisses me off! But, I look at them and blow them off. I usually don't like to advertise that I know MA, but if someone asks then I will say yes. If I advertise then I get teased with, "oh, he thinks he's a bad *** since he knows karate." I would love to advertise that I know the MA and am a proud practioner and everyone who teases and jokes about it can kiss my ___! Television and movies are the worst in advertising MA's. All the comedy shows, thinks it's all a big joke and that we are all wasting our time and money. The only movie I liked so far with MA in it is Jeff Speakman's "The Perfect Weapon".
Absolutely true! It's funny though, I never would advertise knowing the arts as others would wear T shirts, Jackets, Gi pants out and about, or even to school etc...That always seemed to come about from word of mouth probably by our non- martial art friends. As for the "he knows the arts, he thinks he's bad" attitude, you hit it on the head, that was definitely a prevelant attitude from the "others" that would over hear the friends talking, and sometimes would want to try you out, especially when drugs and alcohol were involved.
nah...I didnt do it to myself...the media will find anything to add comedy and in some cases, dig is an entertainment thing and not a education thing...
Isrephael said:
I feel that this is more of a symptom of the times in which we live. As soon as anything is displayed, the populace at large tries to tear it apart. The symbol for this era is some 400lbs man, cackling and pointing with his Cheeto-stained fingers at anyone trying to establish themselves. We mock our leaders, we tear apart our clergy, we starve our teachers, we substitute regulations for wisdom, and we sue anything that moves.

But, if you're REALLY sick of it: The next time someone mocks you with a "Miyagi-Do Crane Kick" simply shrug and demonstrate why such a manuever is assinine. Once you've kicked his patella to the back of his leg, I doubt he'll continue mocking you. Just be prepared for one of those lawsuits I mentioned earlier.
AAAHHH YES! The famous law suit syndrome, definitely a sign of the recent times. I once saw a law suit go on between two mom's, who's 7 year old son's had a fight on the play ground. One mother wanted to sue for damages done? (her son looked fine, as he was playing in the lobby, with the "defendant", while the mom's were going at it!
I think part of the problem, besides non-MA people who are ignorant of the martial arts and try to be funny, is that many MAists themselves argue, laugh at, and degrade others in the MAs. If martial artists themselves can not get along, how can we expect "outsiders" to show respect for the arts?

Lets use children getting their black blacks as an example, since it has been brought up a few times in this thread.

Many MAists think promoting a child to a black belt is stupid. Can a kid really fight? Is a kid mature enough for such a rank? Does a kid truly understand what he has earned? Some schools do promote children to this rank, and they are looked down upon.

Same thing with non-MA people. They see a little kid with a black belt. Supposedly a black belt is a close-combat god. They don't really respect children or their abilities, thus they disrespect the rank and art.

Personally, I believe there should be a minimum age for black belt ranks, but I have no problem with a child earning a black belt if he demostrates the skill nesscary for the rank. I hear a lot on this board about the best way to survive an attack is to not be there. You also need to know how to de-escalate conflicts. You need to know signs of danger and how to avoid it. If that 11 year old kid knows how to stay out of trobule, how to handle bullies and other attackers, how to talk to people, and can keep himself out of danger, hasn't he already won his fights? We applaud people (adults) on this board who can get out of bad situations and stay out of them by being smart.

While I do not want to turn this thread into a debate on junior black belts, it has been said that respect must be earned. We can not expect outsiders to respect us if we can not respect each other. Maybe awarding junior black belts to kids is wrong, I don't know. I do know that as a whole, if the MA community wants to start earning more respect, we need to, first, get along better and second, redefine what we are. We are not superhuman warriors. Having a black belt does not mean your indestructable and undefeatable. Yes, a gun or knife can stop us easily as any other person. So what is our training really for? What does a black belt mean?

Sorry if my thoughts are kind of random. I tore my hamstring and on some medication for pain. Kind of loopy right now. I also meant no offense to anyone on this post. I just found it funny that some of us complain about the lack of respect from others, then go on to disrespect kids who may have actually earned their belts.
Respect is one of those things that seem to be going out the window these days.
Why would a martial artist "deserve" any more respect than anybody else? Although people prostrating themselves on the street as I walk by out of fear of my martial prowess would be kinda neat.
Society has change the attitudes of people. For as it may, decades or eras ago, no one would have mocked a skilled martial artist...
Im happy the US is a place where we dont "fear" many people. As what a lot of that "respect" of ages ago was about....fear.
Although...a stranger mocking you because of MA is just plain rude. As rude/crass as it would be if he mocked you because of your hair, clothes etc. Thats just a lack of common decency.

Expecting to be treated any differently than the next guy because of MA? Silly IMO.
Tgace said:
Although...a stranger mocking you because of MA is just plain rude as rude/crass as he would be if he mocked you because of your hair, clothes etc. Thats just common decency. Expecting to be treated any differently than the next guy because of MA? Silly IMO.
How is someone mocking one be considered as decency?
Tgace said:
Im happy the US is a place where we dont "fear" many people. As what a lot of that "respect" of ages ago was about....fear.
Thinking back to those instances and interactions, I wouldn't really call it "Fear" , as I don't think the "tough guys and Gals" were scared. However, you'd still get the raised eyebrow that I mentioned earlier, when they would find out--maybe it gave them something to thiink about, concerning a future attempt on your well being. I mean, whatever keeps the peace and avoids the confrontations-- great by me.n I agree that it would be great if we didn't have to fear anyone in society, but, sadly, that's not the case.

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