Hey all!
This might seem ridiculous to most, but, it bothers me, and I just wanted to sound off, please bear with me. Growing up with the arts, back in the early 80's (has it been that long?-- Aargh!), there seemed to be the sentiment of respect by the general public for those who studied the martial arts. When they would find out you'd get the raised eyebrow look, and silent response or nod. Slowly, through the years, I noticed that the arts became kind of a joke, or something to be not taken seriously. People would drop into a "stance" and give you the "waaah!" sound or do the infamous "crane stance" from the karate kid movies. Usually you would just smile and blow it off, but, it always bothered me a bit, as I always had a serious view of the arts, and what a great ally they are. Later on, even in tournaments, it was the "entertaining" forms champions, and competitiors that would get the billing, over the fighters, even getting more prize money ( I checked out info for an upcoming tourney and saw it to be this way still). The final straw (I guess) was the way the new martial art movie (the name escapes me at the moment, forgive me) was advertised as "A new Kung Fu comedy". Maybe I'm just getting old and cranky, and just felt the nedd to spout off to fellow martial artists. What are your feelings about this subject?
Respect to all!