Lack of respect---bothersome???

However, you'd still get the raised eyebrow that I mentioned earlier, when they would find out--maybe it gave them something to thiink about, concerning a future attempt on your well being.What do you mean by this...please elaborate :)
47MartialMan said:
However, you'd still get the raised eyebrow that I mentioned earlier, when they would find out--maybe it gave them something to thiink about, concerning a future attempt on your well being.What do you mean by this...please elaborate :)
Fear...either fear of them...or having them fear you...or both.
However, you'd still get the raised eyebrow that I mentioned earlier, when they would find out--maybe it gave them something to thiink about, concerning a future attempt on your well being.This is what I mean to elaborate...doesnt seem to be a u=issue of fear.
I'm sorry for the vagueness of the quote, I didn't mean to make it sound like "The Rock" from the WWE, although some did deserve to have me "lay the smack down" --LOL! It goes back to when I felt there was a genuine respect for the Arts, before the mocking of it. When the topic would come up, however it did, and reacehed "The Alphas" they didn't laugh or make fun back then. They kind of just raised their eyebrows, and gave a "softened look" as if the message hit about that person. Later on I saw, in some instances, a "picking on" going on. The one "alpha" that didn't know was with some that did (or even dared by them to try to pick on one that they knew about to see what would happen, like a test dummy) and would be the aggressor while the others were a few steps back.
When the topic would come up, however it did, and reacehed "The Alphas" they didn't laugh or make fun back then. They kind of just raised their eyebrows, and gave a "softened look" as if the message hit about that person.The "Alphas", has is this in relation to respect of maartial arts abroad? Call me a old fart, but I cannot seem to interpret what you are trying to say. I desire so much to understand your point. :)
47MartialMan said:
When the topic would come up, however it did, and reacehed "The Alphas" they didn't laugh or make fun back then. They kind of just raised their eyebrows, and gave a "softened look" as if the message hit about that person.The "Alphas", has is this in relation to respect of maartial arts abroad? Call me a old fart, but I cannot seem to interpret what you are trying to say. I desire so much to understand your point. :)
O.K. how about this?

The short version.The topic was concerning the respect for martial artists from back when I was young to present day, and my experience or point of view of it. I just meant back then, even the tough guys (the ones that would be more than happy to fight with you) didn't laugh or mock about it, as I see it done now. If you looked at their expressions it was just a quick raise of their eyebrows, as if to seem, "whatever", "no biggie!". But, their actions, as I described in my last post, showed that the message hit home, and there was a respect, or awareness of what could happen. As I also said, I definitely wouldn't call it fear, that is what the would be victims showed when facing them.
Don't call it an old fart, just one of vast experience---LOL!!!!
The short version.The topic was concerning the respect for martial artists from back when I was young to present day, and my experience or point of view of it. I just meant back then, even the tough guys (the ones that would be more than happy to fight with you) didn't laugh or mock about it, as I see it done now. If you looked at their expressions it was just a quick raise of their eyebrows, as if to seem, "whatever", "no biggie!". But, their actions, as I described in my last post, showed that the message hit home, and there was a respect, or awareness of what could happen. As I also said, I definitely wouldn't call it fear, that is what the would be victims showed when facing them.
Ahh, this makes sense now. Yeah, back in the days 60's-70's, people didn't mock what they didnt understand. Instead they "shunned" it.
I hear a lot about non-martial artists who want to "try to see if they can take you" and so on, as someone mentioned in one of the responses to your query.

I wonder, why not let them "try you out". Then playfully put them in a good lock and hold them there until they are adequately humbled. All with a smile, of course.

Who knows, you may just inspire them to join you in class.
Chobaja said:
I hear a lot about non-martial artists who want to "try to see if they can take you" and so on, as someone mentioned in one of the responses to your query.

I wonder, why not let them "try you out". Then playfully put them in a good lock and hold them there until they are adequately humbled. All with a smile, of course.

Who knows, you may just inspire them to join you in class.
Coming from an old school mentality I agree with your sentiment deep down. Problem was then, it would have lead to a future shooting after the humiliation. I'm from the inner city where it was about gangs and violence, the murder rates were off the charts, so individuals had to tread lightly. Now a days, it's all about law suits and jail time as was discussed earlier. But, again, deep down I definitely agree with you, especially when I think back about some of thiose that I let slide by.
Be safe!
Problem was then, it would have lead to a future shooting after the humiliation. I'm from the inner city where it was about gangs and violence, the murder rates were off the charts, so individuals had to tread lightly.

Some areas I know of one still has to trend lightly. You can get shot by just a look or staring.
47MartialMan said:
Problem was then, it would have lead to a future shooting after the humiliation. I'm from the inner city where it was about gangs and violence, the murder rates were off the charts, so individuals had to tread lightly.

Some areas I know of one still has to trend lightly. You can get shot by just a look or staring.
Yep! That was a common reason for a lot of the confrontations mostly among the boys, just a few for the girls, they fought over "she said" or a boy. We were guilty of that some times. I remember adults saying "what is the look?", when inquiring over what happened.
Hand Sword said:
Yep! That was a common reason for a lot of the confrontations mostly among the boys, just a few for the girls, they fought over "she said" or a boy. We were guilty of that some times. I remember adults saying "what is the look?", when inquiring over what happened.
somewhere on another, the staring was discussed as a way to have the opponet "back down" or show one "means business'....

Where I am from, doing this would get you the "business end" of a firearm.

And no, you would not have a chance to disarm....they will approach/shoot unoticed or from afar...
Right on!

I was there too, lost friends, both in life, and to the prison system. The saddest thing of all was that the rest of everyone just took the news in stride, unphased by what happened.
Hand Sword said:
Right on!

I was there too, lost friends, both in life, and to the prison system. The saddest thing of all was that the rest of everyone just took the news in stride, unphased by what happened.
Could it be they live in a area where this is common?
47MartialMan said:
Could it be they live in a area where this is common?
Yes, I think that so much cruelty, and violence goes on, that it de-stimulizes the people, making them take it in stride, and accept it as the way life is.
Yeah, but imagine far worse like living in the Middle East, India, Asia, etc., and see dead bodies all over being picked on by birds and other parasites.
That is terrible but, It's just another level up on the dead scale. Once the process begins there is no reversing it. Some americans had the misfortune of witnessing what you described, their friends, in wartime. They eventually got used to it, found ways to cope, and finish the job. The saddest thing I see, is that this calousness has filtered down to the children, although not as much now, as it was for us Gen. X'ers.
Hmmnn.....that could post a problem....but at least in the US, we can choose out career, or where we want to live.

As a parent, I could choose what is best for my family/ not grow/mature in such a bad environment.
That is a great argument for this post, all parents want a safe enviroment for their kids, but, sadly, some can't afford to do that, so as to escape from those enviroments. That was my sentiment toward the martial arts regaining a serious mindset. It's in those places, that the martial arts would be a great ally, they are the kids that need it the most.
Hand Sword said:
Hey all!

This might seem ridiculous to most, but, it bothers me, and I just wanted to sound off, please bear with me. Growing up with the arts, back in the early 80's (has it been that long?-- Aargh!), there seemed to be the sentiment of respect by the general public for those who studied the martial arts. When they would find out you'd get the raised eyebrow look, and silent response or nod. Slowly, through the years, I noticed that the arts became kind of a joke, or something to be not taken seriously. People would drop into a "stance" and give you the "waaah!" sound or do the infamous "crane stance" from the karate kid movies. Usually you would just smile and blow it off, but, it always bothered me a bit, as I always had a serious view of the arts, and what a great ally they are. Later on, even in tournaments, it was the "entertaining" forms champions, and competitiors that would get the billing, over the fighters, even getting more prize money ( I checked out info for an upcoming tourney and saw it to be this way still). The final straw (I guess) was the way the new martial art movie (the name escapes me at the moment, forgive me) was advertised as "A new Kung Fu comedy". Maybe I'm just getting old and cranky, and just felt the nedd to spout off to fellow martial artists. What are your feelings about this subject?
Respect to all!
Maybe it has to do with all the “Grand Master Soke-Doke” that can’t do squat… fact I have yet to see one that wouldn’t get his *** stomped by most people (kyu or dan ranked) I know. Or maybe it’s all the nut jobs that buy into the latest bull like “no touchy KOs” or “kiai justsu”……I would really love some moron to try either of those 2 things on me.

I guess there is just so much BS the general public will take before they start thinking for themselves and figure out some people that do MA are just plain full of it then lose whatever respect they have for MA people.