I borrowed this off another reliable site:
On May 18, 2010, the entire Kukkiwon Board of Directors resigned, and 19 new
Board of Directors were selected. The 19 new Board members also elected a
new Kukkiwon Chairman of the Board, Mr. KIM Joo Hun. Mr. Kim was a Chung
Yong Kwan member who later switched to Jidokwan. He is the junior of the
current Kukkiwon president, GM LEE Seung Wan, who also serves as the current
Jidokwan President (Kwan Jang).
The Chung Yong Kwan was a small sub Kwan of the Chung Do Kwan/Oh Do Kwan. It
was founded by GM KO Jae Chun, who was an original student of GM LEE Won Kuk
at the Chung Do Kwan during the 1940's. The Chung Yong Kwan was based I
believe in the ROK Army's Chung Yong or Blue Dragon Division. GM Ko spent
his entire career in the ROK Army and I believe he retired as a Colonel.
On May 18, 2010, the entire Kukkiwon Board of Directors resigned, and 19 new
Board of Directors were selected. The 19 new Board members also elected a
new Kukkiwon Chairman of the Board, Mr. KIM Joo Hun. Mr. Kim was a Chung
Yong Kwan member who later switched to Jidokwan. He is the junior of the
current Kukkiwon president, GM LEE Seung Wan, who also serves as the current
Jidokwan President (Kwan Jang).
The Chung Yong Kwan was a small sub Kwan of the Chung Do Kwan/Oh Do Kwan. It
was founded by GM KO Jae Chun, who was an original student of GM LEE Won Kuk
at the Chung Do Kwan during the 1940's. The Chung Yong Kwan was based I
believe in the ROK Army's Chung Yong or Blue Dragon Division. GM Ko spent
his entire career in the ROK Army and I believe he retired as a Colonel.