2009 Kukkiwon Special Test
Test Guidelines and Frequently Asked Questions
1. Where is the location of the test?
The test will be held at the Tropicana Resort and Casino in Las Vegas, Nevada.
2. When will the test and Poomse Seminar be held?
The test and mandatory seminar (4
th Dan and above) will be held on February 13 &14 during the
U.S. Open. The test will be held at the end of the day on the Saturday the 14th or in the morning
of Sunday the 15th.
3. When is the application deadline?
All applications must be received by January 7, 2009.
4. When will I know if my application has been approved or not approved?
All applicants will be notified of their approval/not approval as they are continually processed. All
applicants will be notified no later than January 17
th. We urge you to apply as soon as possible in
order to have more time to prepare for this historic test.
5. Can I attend the seminar even though my application for promotion is under fourth Dan?
Absolutely, you are encouraged to take advantage of this rare opportunity. The seminar will be
conducted by the highest level instructors from Kukkiwon. The fee for this 2 day, 12
‐16 hour
seminar is only $45 because you are applying for this special Kukkiwon test. Please attach the
Seminar Application Form along with your testing application.
6. I am not testing, but wish to take the Poomse seminar, is this allowed?
Yes, everyone is permitted to take the Poomsae seminar with $90.00 payment. You must be a
registered USAT member in order to attend the seminar that is being taught by the best
instructors from Kukkiwon. You must fill out and mail in the Seminar Application Form along with
your payment.
7. What are testing requirements?
st Dan‐3rd Dan Applicants do not have to take a physical test and are not required to be in
attendance at the testing. However, these applicants are strongly encouraged to attend and
compete at the U.S. open and attend the poomse seminar, which will be taught by the best
instructors from Kukkiwon.
Physical Test‐ Only 4th Dan & Higher
4th Dan & Higher Test participants must perform their rank form (see below chart) and must
perform one form from a previous rank to be chosen at the discretion of the testing board.
Participants will also perform 1 minute of controlled sparring (purpose of sparring will be to show
participants technique and movement). Sparring partners will be paired according to size, age and
rank. Breaking will be optional with guidelines set at test.
Those testing for 6th Dan and above must submit a thesis with their application. The thesis must be at
least 10 pages long (12 pt. font or lower and no more than double spaced). Subject of the thesis is
their experience and philosophy of Taekwondo; such as Taekwondo and My Life.
8. Can I apply 8
‐9th Dan application at this time?
Yes, However 8
‐9th Dan will not test during this special Kukkiwon test. After we receive 8‐9th Dan
application forms, we will set up separate time to test for the 8‐9th Dan. USAT/Kukkiwon will inform
you time and location in USA.
9. Is there a format for those with medical injuries? (ex. back injury)
This will be judged on a case by case basis by the test examiners at the time of testing.
Specified subjects of practical techniques applied to the Poom or Dan promotion tests.
Poom/Dan Appointed (1 each) Compulsory
st Dan (Poom) Taegeuk 1-7 Jang Taegeuk 8
2nd Dan (Poom) Taegeuk 1-8 Jang Koryo
3rd Dan (Poom) Taegeuk 1-8 Jang, Koryo Keumgang
4th Dan (Poom) Taegeuk 1-8 Jang, Koryo, Keumgang Taebaek
5th Dan Taegeuk 1-8 Jang, Koyo, Keumgang, Taebaek Pyongwon
6th Dan Taebaek, Pyongwon, Sipjin Jitae
7th Dan Pyongwon, Sipjin, Jitae Cheonkwon
8th Dan Sipjin , Jitae, Cheonkwon Hansoo
9th Dan Jitae, Cheonkwon , Hansoo Illyo
10th Dan Decided by the Judgment of Technical Council
10. What are the Kukkiwon Dan testing fees? –
You need to pay maximum of 3 highest rank test fee that you are applying for.
Ex. If you are a 1
st Dan and wish to test for 2nd Dan through 6th Dan at the test, you would pay
$150 (4th Dan Fee) + $300 (5th Dan Fee) + $350 (6th Dan Fee) = $800 Total Test Fee.
Test Fees
11. Where do we send our application to?
You may send application to USAT Taekwondo: 1 Olympic Plaza, 104C Colorado Springs, Colorado
80909 or send application to USAT Martial Arts Commission 1349 Brice Road, Reynoldsburg, OH 43068.
All reviewed applications will be forward to USA Taekwondo who will forward them to the Kukkiwon.
12. Do we send the money along with our application?
Yes, testing fees are due at time of application.
Those testing for 4
th Dan and above will be required to take the 2 day Poomse seminar which will cost
$45. This fee must also be included at the time of application.
13. What form of payment is acceptable? (ex. check, money order, credit card etc..)
Money Order, Cashier’s Check, Credit Card – No personal or company checks.
14. Who do we make payment out to?
Payment must be made out to USAT.
15. If my application for promotion is denied, will I receive a refund of my funds?
Yes, you will receive a full refund of your fees, including all testing and seminar fees (if you applied).
16. If I am accepted to test, but for any reason (medical, family etc.) cannot attend the test, will I
receive a refund of my funds?
Your payment will be refunded, minus a nominal administrative processing fee.
17. What is an acceptable format for my resume?
Please reference the sample Martial Arts Activity/History sheet located in the packet.
18. What is an acceptable format for my application stating my reasons for wanting special testing?
Please use Kukkiwon Special Dan Recommendation form – part of Package
19. Do I need a thesis?
Those testing for 6
th Dan and above must submit a thesis with their application. The thesis must be at
least 10 pages long (12 pt. font or lower and no more than double spaced). Subject of the thesis is
their experience and philosophy of Taekwondo; such as Taekwondo and My Life.
20. Do I need to currently have a Master or Instructor to test?
No. However, please state reason on your form for not having a signature for instructor. If the
reason is acceptable the martial arts commission review board will authorize you to test.
21. Who is a candidate for Skip Dan Test?
Skip Dan Test: Those who hold a Kukkiwon Dan rank, but who missed the opportunity (on more than
one occasion) to test for subsequent Kukkiwon Dan ranks and would like to bring their Kukkiwon Dan
current and will need to skip one or more Dan ranks to do so.
22. Who is a candidate for Special Kukkiwon Testing?
Kukkiwon Rank Recognition Test: Those who have never received a Kukkiwon Dan rank but who have
received a Dan rank from a credible taekwondo organization or credible Master/Grandmaster
Instructor and are seeking Kukkiwon recognition of the rank they have achieved.
23. Who is a candidate for time reduction test?
Those who wish to test for a higher rank, but whose age or time in the current rank do not meet
Kukkiwon standards, may test if their overall training and experience otherwise satisfies Kukkiwon
24. I want to skip from “x” dan to “y” dan. Is this ok?
You are eligible to apply for rank, based upon your years training and the age requirement. Below is a
chart indicating these requirements.
25. I have already taken advantage of a Skip Dan testing. Am I able to also take advantage of this
skip dan test?
This may be permitted if your total history of training meets the Kukkiwon standard. A testing
application and detailed martial arts resume should be sent so that Kukkiwon can make this
determination with USATÂ’s recommendation.
26. Can I do a skip dan and time reduction both?
If your training history and time & age requirements as set by Kukkiwon are met, then it is allowed. If
you are not sure if you meet Kukkiwon requirements, please send your application and a detailed
resume and your appropriate rank will be determined. Please see chart below for further guidance.
27. If I am requesting to be promoted two ranks above my current rank and am denied, can I still
test for one rank above my current rank?
Yes you can, you are allowed to apply for the testing according to your qualification for testing as
determined by the Kukkiwon. Please see chart below for further guidance.
Minimum time
required for
Age limits for promotion
start from Dan start from Poom
1st Poom N/A N/A less than 15 years old
1st to 2nd Poom 1 year N/A less than 15 years old
2nd to 3rd Poom 2 years N/A less than 15 years old
rd to 4th Poom 3 years N/A less than 18 years old
1st Dan N/A 15 years and above N/A
1st to 2nd Dan 1 year 16 years and above 15 years and above
2nd to 3rd Dan 2 years 18 years and above 15 years and above
3rd to 4th Dan 3 years 21 years and above 18 years and above
4th to 5th Dan 4 years 25 years and above 22 years and above
5th to 6th Dan 5 years 30 years and above 30 years and above
6th to 7th Dan 6 years 36 years and above 36 years and above
7th to 8th Dan 8 years 44 years and above 44 years and above
8th to 9th Dan 9 years 53 years and above 53 years and above
9th to 10th Dan N/A 60 years and above 60 years and above
28. I have Kukkiwon Dan, but do not know my Kukkiwon Dan number. Can you find out what it is
for me?
29. Will there be any make up dates?
There are no other tests of this historic nature scheduled.
30. IÂ’ll be competing or coaching or refereeing at the U.S. open and testing for 4
th Dan or Higher, can
I be excused from some or all of the Poomse Seminar to in order to compete/coach/referee?
Yes, it is acceptable, with consensus of the Kukkiwon Testing Board, to miss a few hours of the
seminar. Please note your plans to compete/referee/coach on your application and you will be
notified whether you will be excused or not.
31. Are spectators or family members allowed at the Poomse Seminar and at the Testing?
Spectators will be allowed during the testing but not during the Poomse Seminar
32. Should I bring my sparring gear?
Even though sparring will be controlled, participants are required to bring sparring gear?
33. What are the uniform requirements?
An official Dobok (white with black v‐neck) is required.