Krav Maga

  • Thread starter Thread starter Hu Ren Qianzai Long
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moromoro said:
here in australia there has been two instructor seminars done by the cheif instructor in isreal, i think you pay so many thousands and after a few weeks you become an instructor in krav maga????

there has also been new KM schools open in every major city, they charge a heck of alot for 2hr training once a week and the instructors cannot grade you....

i was wondering how complex is the KM system?? currently iam not too impressed with the two week to instructor garbage, thats pretty much buying a grade, but iam sure the system has some good.....
My understanding, from following their (KM) forum, is that the two week instructor cert. programs are for individuals already proficient in the MA and who have been taking KM classes and workshops for some time previous to attendin the cert. course. That would make it more of a "Finishing School" than a "Basic Training". I personally have mixed feelings about some of KM but all of my personal contact with the L.A. group has been positive and I consider them to be a professional organization with integrity.
GouRonin said:
Good point. I think many people dismiss it because they work on the perception that your opponent will be untrained. But many martial arts systems do that.

Many however, don't.
Not true. Krav Maga (at least as taught by Haim Zut, 10th Dan) assumes your opponent could be anyone, from a drunk to a fellow martial artist. I was surprised yesterday to execute a certain technique against a lef-right jab and to be told by Mr. Zut that it was removed from KM curriculum because it wouldn't work against a Karate practitioner. KM is definitely a thinking style.

~ Loki
Just to get some life back into this thread... I was supposed to have my free lesson in KM yesterday. Had to cancel at the last second unfortunately. I'm rescheduled for next week and can't wait. I finally have "only" work to do so I can now begin to train again. It's been so long that I just want to jump in and start already but now I gotta wait til next Wed. Eh all good things come to those that wait :D
Does anyone have any info on Krav Maga? Thanks!:) :asian:

Krav Maga is a very practical style of self-defense and is used by the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) to train soldiers and civilians to become efficient in a short amount of time.
Krav Maga is an aggressive, anti-terrorist survival system without rules. It deals with personal safety issues in the context of defending against both armed and unarmed attackers with only one objective: to eliminate the threat in the fastest way possible.
  • Counterattacking as soon as possible (or attacking preemptively).
  • Targeting attacks to the body’s most vulnerable points.
  • Maximum effectiveness and efficiency.
  • Maintaining awareness of surroundings.
Vitor Ferreira
Former Special Forces
Montreal Krav Maga Chief Instructor
Krav Maga is a very practical style of self-defense and is used by the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) to train soldiers and civilians to become efficient in a short amount of time.
Krav Maga is an aggressive, anti-terrorist survival system without rules. It deals with personal safety issues in the context of defending against both armed and unarmed attackers with only one objective: to eliminate the threat in the fastest way possible.
  • Counterattacking as soon as possible (or attacking preemptively).
  • Targeting attacks to the body’s most vulnerable points.
  • Maximum effectiveness and efficiency.
  • Maintaining awareness of surroundings.
Vitor Ferreira
Former Special Forces
Montreal Krav Maga Chief Instructor

Could you please stop the promo talk..........
Could you please stop the promo talk..........

I would imagine the OP is probably an expert on KM if he took it up as he posted in 2002, I doubt he's still on MT too as I haven't seen his name since. :D