Krav Maga Gun Defense

Firearms are a problems our martial arts forefather never had to worry about, so all of the defenses taught are rather modern.

Unfortunately, a good number of those I've seen have been developed by people who have never used such a weapon, never had one shoved into their faces, and who have little or no understanding of the hwole dynamic involved.

Our system teaches several defenses against firearms (handguns) which are highly effective and realistic. Nothing flowery, just real.
I suppose that's why he's asking about Krav Maga. It's a relatively new martial art, developed for the Israeli military. When did it come about, 50's or 60's?

I hope they came up with some good gun defenses.

Something I picked up a while back was, it's best to have the gun to your face (I know, counter intiutive).

Here's the rational:

1) If you slip to the left or right by a foot or even less, the gun will miss you. If you move a whole 3 feet or so, the opponent will have to swing the arm and gun 3 feet to track you. If you are 10 feet away, and you move 3 feet to the left or right, they just move their 3 inches to the side to track you.

2) You can reach for and grab the gun. Good luck from 10 feet away.

3) Unless they are very tall, and you are very short, the gun will not be held at their hip, which is probably the most secure place to hold a firearm. So it's more likely you will sucesefully gain control of the gun.
gee, gun defenses???

we learn knife defenses from positions in which i think there would be a 50 / 50 chance of escape,

but the whole gun defense thing, gee man thats dangerous, you might only have a 5% chance of survival in some situations.

i guesss its good to learn if your gonnabe in that situation,
I have to agree--it's good to have something ready, but a "highly effective" defense against a firearm, well, I don't know. Knives are hard enough already!
Krav Maga has quite a few defenses with regard to the firearm from different angles. They seem to be quite simply and effective, a trademark of Krav Maga. They have been proven useful in actual combat situations.

I would love to see a national police report on situations involving hand gun attacks. Most gun defenses place you in a position able to counter, but is this real. Do gun attacks usually happen so close?
Do gun attacks usually happen so close?

The vast majority of gun fights take place within 7 feet. Around 85% of all shots fired are misses.

Firearm retrieval is viable in many circumstances, and it has been accomplished successfully many times.

In terms of discussing firearm retrieval one needs to make a distinction between active shooting, and a weapon threat. Weapon threat neutralization is well within the realm of possibility , and actually a probability with proper training.

There is a reason it is called a “weapon threat”. It is essentially a bargain. The opponent is saying, “If you don’t do this then I’ll hurt/kill you.”, or perhaps he’s saying, “If you do this, then you’ll be safe.” These are similar bargains, though subtly different. Regardless of the specific bargain, there is in essence a negotiation taking place. This is important to understand, because this fact plays a significant role in your ability to successfully neutralize the threat.

Because it’s a negotiation, that means several things are already in play:

1) The assailant has essentially turned some power over to you.
A)He’s waiting for a response from you – this gives you time.
B) He’s letting you decide the outcome.
C)He generally is giving you two choices, comply or don’t, a yes/no answer.

When you reply with a third variable, it is outside of his evaluation loop, which causes an extra evaluation loop to run. This puts him several mental tasks behind you! This is very important, because it makes you the actor and him the reactor. Actually, just his simple yes/no loop makes him the reactor. By adding in the extra loop you put him a further step behind.

2) He has some reason for not having just shot you.

This is a miniscule basis for a relationship, but it is one, nonetheless. His minor desire for keeping you alive is one more barrier to his loop process.

Keep in mind the gunman’s anxiety and adrenaline dump will affect his reactions too. When someone tenses from stress reaction, the stronger muscle group tends to win. This affects a gunman’s tracking ability can be used to your advantage in terms of secondary shots.

So there are a lot more things in your favor than you might initially think.

IMO, many Krav Maga gun disarms are viable, though I've found the way we move in Systema to often make it easier and a bit safer to accomplish the same thing. PCR (Physical Conflict Resolution) as taught by Strategos International is also excellent in terms of firearm retrieval work.

As with anything, distance is the factor. The FBI keeps studies on all types of officer related altercations nation wide. If they are public record then they should be available, perhaps even online.

As far as it can be called a "defense", I wouldn't call anything to do with guns effective. If a guy wants to shoot you, he'll shoot you.

A technique can be applied in a threat situation. Believe it or not, to person who's trained in gun techniques, a gun threat is infinitely preferable over a knife threat.

As for the original question, I believe in the effectiveness of the techniques I practice. There are seven techniques against gun threat at point-blank range, though they can all be applied to a threat at close distance.

They are as follows:
1) Forehead
2) Side of the head
3) Back (either aimed at the head or torso)
4) Back - while being pushed forward with the other hand
5) Stomach
6) Below the ribs before the arm
7) Below the ribs behind the arm

The beauty of it all is that the more experience you gain, the more you learn to improvise and respond efficiently and effectively to new situations. Tests for higher Krav Maga ranks may require for you to improvise a response to a situation you've never heard of before.