Krav Maga Detroit


Black Belt
This is for my brother who is checking into Krav Maga Detroit.

I was just wondering if their were any opinions on this school as I don't know the first thing to tell him about Krav Maga or if it is good Krav Maga. Looks like a fun place, just would like opinions on it for him.

Thanks in advance.

This is for my brother who is checking into Krav Maga Detroit.

I was just wondering if their were any opinions on this school as I don't know the first thing to tell him about Krav Maga or if it is good Krav Maga. Looks like a fun place, just would like opinions on it for him.

Thanks in advance.


In all honesty, the website is kind of vauge as far as info goes. The instructor page has no info on it. As far as Krav goes, yes, I think its a good art. Of course, like any school, some may be better than others, so my suggestion is for him to go and watch a class or two, and even try one out. Talk to the inst. as well as the students. Things to ask about would be:

what the classes are like
how many times a week class is offered
class size
any special equipment needed

These are just a few things to get him started. :)


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