Koryu Bujutsu

Hi Christian,

This really should be in a separate thread, as this one is specifically about a certain group, but we'll see how we go here answering your question anyway.

First things first, the Jinenkan and Genbukan are both related organisations, coming originally from the Bujinkan, and neither are Koryu (although the Ryu-ha that make up their teachings are, with some controversy). Each will have their own particular approach, so really the only thing to do is to attend both classes and see which one feels better to you (if either).

But to deal with the other aspect you bring up, "I am looking for true Kobudo, nothing watered down", I might ask, first off, if you are aware of what a true old system is like, then what it is you are looking for. Many people come along to forums such as this, or to classes, and have a rather romanticised image of these arts, which is rather removed from reality. If you can answer those, then we may be able to narrow things down (but, for the record, I am unaware of any Koryu system in Richmond, Virginia, and google only gave an X-Kan group, although they don't say which Kan they are with... I'd guess originally Bujinkan).