Pics/video of 1980's Ninja Festivals?

Highland Ninja

Yellow Belt
Aug 23, 2007
Reaction score
Greetings, everyone! :)

This post is part intro/part request. I started training in Togakure Ryu with Stephen Hayes back in the early 80's and the Shadows of Iga days. I mainly trained in Highland Indiana with the Highland group, under Roger Stebelton who was our sponsor and main teacher at the time. The group started out training in the back room at Hansen's Sports, then moved to the Lincoln Center school.

I drifted away from formal training in the late 80's when the group split up and am now coming back to training (though admittedly under the Bujinkan organization, not Toshindo).

I've been trying to find pictures or video of any of the Shadows of Iga Ninja Festivals from the 80's, mainly 1983-1986 that Steve held near Dayton Ohio. I've looked online but have found next to nothing. I'd also love to get either copies or scans of the Shadows of Iga magazine that Steve had sent out to members.

Also, the Highland Indiana group made a training demo video at the Lincoln Center school. We had an audience and had all the students demonstrating various skills and techniques. This would have been '83 or early '84. I'd kill to get a copy of that tape and will pay good money for it. Some of my fondest memories come from those days.

So, if any other Highlanders are here, say hello. And if anyone has any material from then, please PM me. Thanks! :wink1:
Sorry I am no help
I just want to say welcome to the forum to both of you
Nightwinder, just got your email, sent a reply. :wink1:

LMK if the pic gets through.

Tshasdowchaser, thanks for the welcome. :)
Well I never made it to Ohio Festivals; once for a training session though. Japan in '83 and '85 and many, many training weekends all over the place. We all probably stumbled past one another at least once.