Koryu Bujutsu Video Clips

Saitama Steve

Blue Belt
Jun 8, 2003
Reaction score
Chelsea, London, UK/Souka-shi, Saitama Ken, JPN
The following clips of koryu were taken by Mr.Russ Ebert & myself at the Nagoya Castle Kobudo Enbutaikai held on Friday 5th of May, 2006. Some of the clips will be hosted on youtube.com for a limited amount of time.

Some of the ryuha showcased were Owari Kan-ryu sojutsu, Yagyu Shinkage-ryu kenjutsu, Yakumaru (nodachi) Jigen-ryu, Tendo-ryu naginata, Hoten-ryu bujutsu among others.

We'll start off with Yakumaru Jigen-ryu, who specialize in the use of the Nodachi. The first clip shows them doing Yokogi Uchi (Very different characteristically from mainline Jigen-ryu which use tategi, but the training principle is the same - To build fitness, precision in cutting, aggression and ki.)

(N.B. You might think the shrill screaming and repeated bashing of sticks to be comical or nonsensical, but imagine if it were an angry Satsuma (Modern day Kagoshima Prefecture) warrior in full berserker rage trying to cleave you down the middle. You'll soon see what I mean. :) )


Next, some basic iaijutsu for the Odachi/Nodachi


And lastly, they performed nodachi tai yari kata.


Next is Owari Kan-ryu

Owari Kan-ryu is primarily a spear school, specializing in the use of the Kuda yari. The Kuda Yari is a very long spear about 2.8 metres in length with a round metal collar that slides along the haft of the polearm to facilitate very quick thrusts and retractions. It is very hard to parry or evade, since when thrust, the spear shaft spirals towards the target at great speed and is very hard to keep track of. Contrary to other koryu teaching methods, in Owari Kan-ryu, you learn how to do live shiai before you learn the Kata.

The Owari Kan-ryu dojo also teach kamayari, naginata, Odachi, and Yagyu Shinkage-ryu kenjutsu & iaijutsu.

Sojutsu Bogu shiai - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UN2g-hD_dSw&search=owari

Kan-ryu Sojutsu kata - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_dk2ylxYHUA&search=owari

Naginata (Derived from Shinto-ryu) - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KpDNf4xr8dc&search=owari

Hikita Kage-ryu Odachijutsu - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XsfNuzJYBng&search=owari

Yagyu Shinkage-ryu Hasso Sei Raito kata - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5a4q61PKtAQ&search=owari

Yagyu Shinkage-ryu Sangakuen No Tachi Kata - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bTM0qctatvk&search=owari
Here's a rare koryu from the Kansai (Western) area of Japan. Hoten-ryu (法典流 ) teaches kenjutsu, jojutsu, tessenjutsu, juttejutsu, shurikenjutsu and kusaribuki (Chain weapons).

This short clip shows Mr.Russ Ebert (AKA: Mekugi on other forums) and Mr. Suzuki from the Sumera Budojuku demonstrating some of the kata from the Hoten-ryu chain weapons syllabus.

Hoten-ryu Bujutsu - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ap-2DXJIo5U
Those clips presented something that I have only ever read about. Thank you very much. My desire someday to train in a koryu art has only heightened. A couple of questions...

1. Is training in these arts only available in Japan?
2. If not, where else?
3. Is there a competitive element to these arts?
This is Yagyu Shingan-ryu Taijutsu (柳生心眼流體術 ) from the kanagawa region of Kanto. It's primarily a taijutsu based art, but also teaches bojutsu, kenjutsu, iaijutsu and an array of other weapons.

Yagyu Shingan-ryu taijutsu - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FiE4bKuhuE4&search=Shingan

Yagyu Shingan-ryu Kogusoku (defences against short sword attacks) - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hrTjAKE01f0&search=Shingan

Yagyu Shingan-ryu Bojutsu kihon - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pYLvICsSddo&search=Shingan

Yagyu Shingan-ryu Bojutsu advanced kata - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I396IiQhtEM&search=Shingan

Yagyu Shingan-ryu kenjutsu kihon - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=64hSQV9VSZw&search=Shingan
upnorthkyosa said:
Those clips presented something that I have only ever read about. Thank you very much. My desire someday to train in a koryu art has only heightened. A couple of questions...

1. Is training in these arts only available in Japan?
2. If not, where else?
3. Is there a competitive element to these arts?

1. For some ryuha, yes, they are only available in Japan. Some koryu do have shibu dojo (branch dojo), but they are very few and far between. If you do find one, it'll take some time for you to be accepted, since it takes a very long time to teach correct form and mindset.

2. That depends on what ryuha you want to train in.

3. Again, depends on the ryuha and it's characteristics. Most ryuha are not competitive, however, some people still use live blades in training depending on the set, so I guess that can be considered.......sporty. :)

Hope this helps.

-Steve D
There is Yagyu Shin Kage Ryu in Philadelphia. Here is the link :
http://www.flatfishdesign.com/yagyu/ ! I also believe there is
one in Florida. I believe that is it for the US on Shin Kage Ryu.
Koryu arts in America are pretty rare it seems. There are a few more out there however. Thanks for the clips Steve you and Russ are great guys to show us these treasures.

Brian R. VanCise
The next is another branch of the same ryuha above, but from Sendai, in thr north. This is Yagyu Shingan-ryu Kacchu Heiho (柳生心眼流甲冑兵法 ) and their speciality is armoured close combat as well as weaponry and peacetime combatives.

Yagyu Shingan-ryu Hananejijutsu (A hananeji is a force multiplier for striking and grappling.) - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VcfvGoYV44s

Yagyu Shingan-ryu Jingamajutsu (A jingama is an old style Japanese warpick) - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wt1AiyTh11g

Yagyu Shingan-ryu Yoroi Doshi & Jingasa (A Yoroi Doshi is a thick bladed armour piercing dagger and a Jingasa is an iron war helmet) - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Yl5M0Ox4gU

Yagyu Shingan-ryu Tachijutsu (Armoured swordsmanship using the tachi) - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OWsqzeCtlRY

Yagyu Shingan-ryu kenjutsu - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7seU0jNQzok
This isn't a koryu, but it deserves good mention for the rather impressive embu they held at the Nagoya Castle Kobudo Enbutaikai held on Friday 5th of May, 2006.

Toyama-ryu iai-battodo

Tameshigiri kata - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dFp45RqO7GQ

Toyama-ryu kumi iai using Shinken (Live blades) - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8sAyrQbuZjU&search=Toyama

This last embu was rather impressive, since both kenshi were using live blades and stopping within an inch of each others arteries. Very good control and poise.
Saitama Steve said:
1. For some ryuha, yes, they are only available in Japan. Some koryu do have shibu dojo (branch dojo), but they are very few and far between. If you do find one, it'll take some time for you to be accepted, since it takes a very long time to teach correct form and mindset.

Would you elaborate on what kind of forms and mindsets?

2. That depends on what ryuha you want to train in.

Like many westerners, I know very little about these arts. In all honesty, the names would be completely lost on me. My only exposure to this is through Takeda Ryu Aikijutsu. Dr. Dale Schwerdtfeger lived near my hometown and taught my teacher. Now, Dr. Schwerdtfeger lives in Belize.

3. Again, depends on the ryuha and it's characteristics. Most ryuha are not competitive, however, some people still use live blades in training depending on the set, so I guess that can be considered.......sporty. :)

Live blades? Sounds messy. ;)

Here is a semi-personal question. How did you get involved in these arts?
upnorthkyosa said:
Would you elaborate on what kind of forms and mindsets?

No, not forms as in kata, correct form, the correct way of moving, acting and reacting according to the ryuha's teachings and characteristics.

Here is a semi-personal question. How did you get involved in these arts?

Through judo, aikido and modern generic self defence jujutsu. I wanted to learn the roots of these things and read up on them. I started off with Donn F. Draeger's books and then tried to find out as much information as possible. I moved to Japan in 1998 and started looking for koryu.
Takenouchi-ryu is Japan's oldest bugei ryuha with a systemized jujutsu system. Eventhough the ryuha is famous for jujutsu, it is really a comprehensive budo system, including instruction in Kogusoku, kenjutsu, iaijutsu, bojutsu, sojutsu, naginatajutsu, shurikenjutsu, kusarigamajutsu, juttejutsu and tessenjutsu.

This is the mainline of Takenouchi-ryu (Hinoshita Torite Kaizan Takenouchi-ryu jujutsu) headed by Takenouchi Toichiro sensei, demonstrating at the 44th Atsuta Jingu Kobudo Embutaikai in Nagoya on May 22nd, 2005. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dHyCsmn44NY&search=Takenouchi

This is the Sodenke line of Takenouchi-ryu (Takenouchi-ryu Kogusoku Koshi No Mawari) demonstrating at the Meiji Jingu Honno Kobudo Embutaikai on November 3rd, 2004. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TOs4fuBRBBY&search=Takenouchi
Brian R. VanCise said:
There is Yagyu Shin Kage Ryu in Philadelphia. Here is the link :
http://www.flatfishdesign.com/yagyu/ ! I also believe there is
one in Florida. I believe that is it for the US on Shin Kage Ryu.
Koryu arts in America are pretty rare it seems. There are a few more out there however. Thanks for the clips Steve you and Russ are great guys to show us these treasures.

Brian R. VanCise

I'm currently training with Manogue Sensei in Philadelphia. Just to clarify, the Yagyu Shin Kage Ryu dojos in Philadelphia and Tampa Bay are from the Edo ryu. I know of an Owari Yagyu Shin Kage Ryu - and if I'm not mistaken, there is an Owari Ryu study group in New York (I *think* my sensei mentioned something about the Owari ryu study group? I'll have to double-check.)

And yes, koryu in the United States is rare. Manogue Sensei and Walter Sensei (in Tampa Bay) are the first Yagyu instructors to teach outside of Japan. Our ryu is based in Osaka, Japan.
Swordlady said:
I'm currently training with Manogue Sensei in Philadelphia. Just to clarify, the Yagyu Shin Kage Ryu dojos in Philadelphia and Tampa Bay are from the Edo ryu. I know of an Owari Yagyu Shin Kage Ryu - and if I'm not mistaken, there is an Owari Ryu study group in New York (I *think* my sensei mentioned something about the Owari ryu study group? I'll have to double-check.)

Owari Yagyu Shinkage-ryu is the family line. At the moment, this line is still headed by Yagyu Nobuharu sensei, the 21st generation headmaster. Their honbu dojo is in Nagoya, Aichi Prefecture. The line of succession has carried on for those 21 generations. http://www.interq.or.jp/sun/shibata/yagyu-official/

The Edo Yagyu Shinkage-ryu line is still taught in the kanto area, specifically, Kanagawa prefecture, Tochigi prefecture and Tokyo City. It traces it's lineage back via the late Otsubo Shiho shihan & Muto Masao shihan. The group also trains in Yagyu Shingan-ryu taijutsu. http://www.kunpooan.com/arakido/shinkage-e.html

There are quite a few other branches going back to the Bakumatsu period that have seperated. For example, there is a branch of Yagyu Shinkage-ryu in kyushu that are rather similar to the mainlines, but have their own take on certain techniques going back to the time when it was taught, back in the edo-jidai. Other branches have naginatajutsu and jojutsu in their densho.

Here are the Yagyukai (Family line) demonstrating kenjutsu at Atsuta Jingu, May 22nd, 2005.

Sangakuen No Tachi - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qpFdj4rE8Kg

Kuka No Tachi - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mxPnWmMel8w

Ai Raito Hassei - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n_x9X6aKKZs

Empi No Tachi - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4AXV9MXLAJU

Yagyu Seigo-ryu Battojutsu (Shinkage-ryu iaijutsu)

Shinkage-ryu iaijutsu

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1uyp9K2GgW4 Shinkage-ryu iaijutsu

Yagyu Seigo-ryu battojutsu